Footage from a horrific incident from an independent wrestling show in Texas recently went viral. The clip shows YouTube personality Hannibal in his “Blood Hunter” gimmick brutally spiking the head of a defenseless referee. Fans were shocked, with many demanding that Hannibal never be booked anywhere again.
Referee Lando Deltoro was savagely cut open after Hannibal went into business for himself. The footage shows a massive pool of blood in the ring. Lando has been giving updates on social media.
He came on Twitter recently and gave us an update on what has been happening with him.
This is rumor control here are the facts. I currently have a blood infection, the doctor doesn’t think it’s hep c, he thinks it’s a reaction to the gold paint. Will be on high dose antibiotics and I have my faithful friend Sancho with me ,love you all
via Twitter
The referee from the match where the incident happened (not the one that was injured) posted their recollection of the incident. They said the police were called and that Kevin Sullivan told him to try and “kayfabe the cops.”
It is relieving to see him recovering and not in danger of anything serious. What happened at the incident was just a gruesome display of no professionalism. We need to take serious steps to curb this from happening ever again.
December 14, 2021 10:41 pm