The Rock Is Down To Get High With Joe Rogan

By | June 27, 2021

Pro wrestling fans will fight over the fact that their favorite form of entertainment is legitimate. The Rock came from that world and he will also defend sports entertainment whenever he needs to. He loved coming from that world and loves to enlighten others about the industry’s true value.

Joe Rogan recently sent out an Instagram message while he was watching the A&E Documentary about “Macho Man” Randy Savage. The popular podcaster and UFC commentator captioned his video post to say that he might be really drunk and high, but he’s finally begging for someone to help him understand pro wrestling.

“These @wwe documentaries on A&E right now are really well done,” Rogan wrote. “Maybe I’m really high, but I think I now am begging to truly understand pro wrestling.”

The Rock saw Rogan’s post and slid into the comments. Dwayne Johnson said that he would be down to get drunk (or high) with Rogan and have a chat, even if they just talk about pro wrestling before getting “f*cked up.”

“At one time, it was the best job in the world. One day we’ll get drunk (or high) and talk about it. Or talk about it first, then get f*cked up. [laughing emoji]”

Joe Rogan has smoked weed with some very important people, including Elon Musk. If Rogan can get The Rock to light up on his podcast then that might make for the most epic meme of all time.

You can never say never, but it would be pretty hard for Dwayne Johnson to run for POTUS without having “legalization of marijuana” as a platform at this point.

What’s your take on pro wrestling? Do you understand it? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

Years of experience in writing, journalism, and digging exclusive insider info for Ringside News opened the door for a new opportunity for Jenkins. With a history in finance, he broke into the journalism game by writing on blogs and other freelance websites before branching into sports and entertainment news. Being in tune with pop culture doesn’t mean it has to make sense, but he tries.
Favorite bands include any group from Seattle who formed between 1991 and 1999. 5 Ozzfests under his belt and 12 Warped Tours, but his last concert was a bluegrass AC/DC cover band that was not 100% terrible.
