Vince McMahon has a lot of things going on as he runs WWE. It takes a certain formula of consistency and determination to really get something to take off in WWE, because McMahon’s interest is a hard thing to capture. This is something that Tucker realizes, now, but it was a revelation that came to him too late.
While speaking to The OTR Show, Tucker discussed meeting with Vince McMahon about gimmicks and storyline ideas. They had an idea for a BBQ angle, something that McMahon seemed to like. There was a lot going on during that time within the company and it resulted in pushing that idea to the backburner.
It wasn’t until later that Tucker realized he learned how the WWE system worked a little bit too late for it to do him any good.
“We had some good meetings with Vince. We touched on some ideas and he seemed to like them. He seemed to like the barbeque idea. I think the timing was just, everything’s about timing there. We kind of pitched it and he really liked it, but it was right around the move to Fox, so I think there was a lot of other things going on and it kind of fell by the wayside. Maybe we were new enough that we didn’t understand enough to keep our foot on the pedals and like, which channels to keep pressing on. That was definitely one thing I learned but it was kind of too late, how the machine operates. That’s why I keep saying culture shock.”
“It’s just so much bigger of a machine. It’s like whole buildings taken up. There’s like all these different apartments. And you’ve got to kind of like try to learn what everybody does and how to work with them and how to get them to help you and how to help make their job easier. So that was like, like when I say culture shock, there’s like three hundred and fifty people or something, when you count all the production people, that comes and goes. So imagine you’re the new guys walking into the building with four hundred people. They’re all meeting each other every week, doing this thing, and now you’ve got to try to assimilate into that, find your way in and meet everyone.”
We will have to see what Tucker does next. He has years of experience under his belt with WWE, but those spotlights didn’t hit him nearly as often as he would have liked. His 90-day non-compete clause is still going for a little bit of time, but if he does end up in another company he has already learned a lot about how to make sure that he maintains a storyline every week.
What’s your take on Tucker’s treatment in WWE? Could they have done better by him? Sound off in the comments!
Thanks to Wrestling Inc for the quote