Vince McMahon is the Chairman of WWE and oversees everything that goes on in the company, right down to the most minute of details. He is also behind the recent mass releases in NXT, actions Triple H has no say in whatsoever. McMahon is also larger than life and is known to do the craziest of things, if you don’t believe us, check out a list of 15 Vince McMahon legends that are actually true!
Former WWE Superstar Fandango spent a long time in the company as he signed way back in 2006 until his release earlier this year. During his time in the company, he worked extensively with Vince McMahon and is well aware of how McMahon can be.
While speaking to the Rewind Recap Relive, Fandango talked about his time in WWE. Fandango revealed that Vince McMahon rented out an expensive ballroom in New York City for a vignette, but then decided to scrap the whole thing because he didn’t like how Fandango said his own ring name.
”We actually filmed a whole — Vince [McMahon] paid to rent out the whole Highline Ballroom, dance ballroom in New York City. We went there and filmed vignettes for a couple days and there’s this super expensive set and he didn’t like the way I said ‘Fandango’, so he scrapped the whole thing and he came and produced the vignettes himself. So me not pronouncing the name the way he thought in his mind actually turned into a gimmick, into a shtick that we did on TV.”
Vince McMahon was also accused of holding back WWE Superstars as well. We wonder what is next in store for Fandango now that he is no longer working in WWE.
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Thanks to Post Wrestling for the quote