Vince McMahon is as famous for his success as a businessman as he is for his short temper. McMahon is known to lose his cool and yell at people when things do not go according to plan.
Several wrestlers and broadcasters have been on the receiving end of his ire. CM Punk would famously mute McMahon when he was doing commentary. It seems that even Michael Cole could not escape McMahon’s wrath.
For the bulk of his time with WWE since 1997, Michael Cole has largely been a play-by-play broadcaster. It is impossible to know how many times Cole had McMahon screaming into his headset. One can only guess.
During the Q&A at Steel City Con, John Bradshaw Layfield recounted one such instance. It seems that on one occasion, Cole ticked McMahon off so bad that the latter threatened to assault and fire him.
It turns out that during Jimmy Snuka’s son’s debut, McMahon had specifically instructed Cole to not introduce him as “Jimmy Snuka’s son.” As luck would have it, Cole ended up doing precisely the one thing he had been told to not do. JBL recounted McMahon’s reaction to the blunder.
Vince’s response was, “Michael, I’m gonna come down there and I’m gonna fire you. No, I’m gonna come down there and I’m gonna kick your ass — No, I’m not.” He’s debating with himself at this point and he goes, “No, no, no, no, no, no. I’m gonna kick your ass and then I’m going to fire you. That’s what I’m gonna do. I’m coming down right now.“
JBL recalls that McMahon did regain his cool afterwards, saying “Haha, I lost it a little bit there didn’t I? Ha!” Still, it does not sound like McMahon is someone on whose wrong side you wanna be.
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December 19, 2021 9:49 pm