Virgil’s meatsauce and breadsticks are known throughout the pro wrestling world. He often doesn’t get credit for his influence on the industry if you ask him. That might be the case with Hulk Hogan.
Soul Train Jones himself spoke to Wrestling Inc recently where he went into the impact he had on the business. When he comes to The Hulkster, Virgil feels as though he made Hogan’s career. In the process, he also staked his claim that he created the NWO.
“I think I made Hulk Hogan’s whole career. Ted Turner and I put together the nWo. I got paid all day. I was like a moving reindeer. It was Too Sweet Meatsauce week. Olive Garden gave me a special order with Eric Bischoff because they love me that much. They put out a restraining order on Eric Bischoff because he followed me to Olive Garden. I guess he wanted a bunch more meatsauce or something. He’s obsessed with me because I’m the Meatsauce King.”
The creation of the NWO has been told countless times by several people. We have yet to hear about Virgil’s role, but he played a significant part according to him. We’ll have to see if this subject comes up in an upcoming episode of Eric Bischoff’s podcast, because we are very interested to know what he thinks about this.
What’s your take on what Virgil said? Sound off in the comments!