Drew McIntyre is getting his own WWE Network series. Fans will soon be able to get the real answers out of the WWE Champion in a new show called “Drew & A.” This new show has a lot of possibilities, but what do fans have in store for them?
During a recent interview with PW Insider, Drew McIntyre explained his new WWE Network series. At the time it wasn’t officially picked up yet, but they already had a very good idea what the series would be about.
“I don’t know if anyone’s noticed on my Instagram but I’ve started doing like a “Drew and A” where I get to talk to people about topics I’m interested in, and that was just kinda born off of “Hey Drew there’s a lot of downtime, people, you know, need content – do you want to chat with some interesting people?” “Yes I do”.
“I talked to a couple bodybuilders this week, I’ve been talking to a couple of shark experts and let me tell you, paranormal is on my list for the next one coming up to speak to some experts so keep an eye on my Instagram for the “Drew and A.”
“But regarding like specific stories, I love ones off like people that I’ve met, and my favorite one of all that I sometimes tell people is I have 2 friends in Scotland that I went to high school with them, the most skeptical guys in the world, these guys don’t believe in anything unless it’s in front of their face. We went to University in a place called Aberdeen, which is about 4 hours from Glasgow, and they were living in an apartment together. I speak to one of them and he tells me this story of, “I think I saw a ghost” and I went “You? You don’t believe in that stuff” He tells me about “I was sick one night, I went to bed, and I was just lying there and I woke up and I saw a woman in my room and I thought, oh my goodness, Ian (his roommate), a girl has wandered into my room, she obviously must think it’s his room, can you get her, can you get her, can you get her” and he kinda gets a good look at her and realizes that her face was kinda ghostly and ghastly, he freaks out and panics, he went straight to the living room where his roommate is studying, freaking out “I think I just saw a ghost!”
“So being a kind friend his roommate had to put a sheet over his head and starts going “Ooooh!” running about “I’m a ghost! I’m a ghost”. So he kinda calms himself down and from that night on they were just haunted every single night – she’d be poking them in the bed, he woke up one time and saw her in the bed and turned around with what looked like a baby in her arms and he was like “That’s it, I’m moving out” and I love hearing that story because I know these guys personally and they’re such skeptics and they were like “Bro, it’s the most horrible thing I’ve ever seen in my life, like I contacted ministers and priests and asked advice, and I had like flowers and holy water in the room, and I just had to move out.”
“The other roommate just denies it ever happened, and he did research into where the apartment complex was built and apparently in the past there was a hospital for b****rd babies during the war and he read that after he moved out, and I was like that’s fantastic because I knew you guys so well, I know what you’re both like and I believe you 100%. Stories like that I’m into, where I know the people and I’ve heard a whole bunch of them so I want to put that on a show.”
Drew McIntyre is a very entertaining man. That is why WWE placed so much stock in him. Whether he retains the WWE Title at Hell In A Cell is a moot point, because the King Of Claymore Country will have a lot to say during his new series.