WWE & MLW Partnership Talks Are Already Done

By | May 6, 2021

WWE’s NXT brand has a lot of stars and only two hours a week to show them on television. There was a thought that MLW could provide them with an opportunity to get some exposure, but those talks are reportedly over.

According to Mike Johnson on the We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Name Show, talks between WWE and MLW died off before WrestleMania. They went back and forth, but in the end the deal fizzled.

“Were their conversations at different points, could MLW and WWE maybe do some stuff together, yes, at some point that did happen. They had conversations in the past and Court Bauer and MLW sold WWE the copyright to War Games, which Bauer had copyrighted on his own many years before NXT decided to resurrect that concept and use that terminology again. There obviously has been back and forth”

“I was told that even prior to WrestleMania season, whatever sort of discussions there were kinda fizzled out. There was never any ‘oh we’re going to make a deal, we’re going to shake hands.’ It was more along the lines of ‘what are you guys doing, what are we doing,’ but I also think there was that time period where WWE was looking to make deals with others companies to bring their content to the WWE Network. It’s possible they were having those conversations, and then management switches over and changes, and things disappear. I was told there is no current discussions at all, people in WWE were like ‘yeah no!’ but there will definitely people on the MLW side who were like ‘yeah nothing right now, but we have had some conversations in the past, and if they want to open up the conversations again we’d be open to talking to them, because who wouldn’t be’.”

We’ll have to see if those talks between WWE and MLW pick up again. You can never say never in pro wrestling. NXT stars who aren’t appearing on television could really benefit from having time in an MLW ring. Apparently, the deal wasn’t strong enough to carry on with talks at this time.

Thanks to Heel By Nature for the quote
