It’s Tuesday night and that means a brand new episode of WWE NXT 2.0 for November 30th, and Ringside News has you covered with live play-by-play results coverage. Start time for NXT is at 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.
Tonight’s NXT is the go-home show for the WarGames PPV. As such, we’re due for two advantage ladder matches, one for the men and one for the women. These matches determine which team gets the advantage in the respective WarGames matches, but as of now we only know who will be competing in the women’s match: Kay Lee Ray Vs. Dakota Kai. The men’s match, on the other hand, could throw up any number of interesting match-ups.
Elsewhere tonight, Joe Gacy is inviting us all to his “inclusive invitational”. We don’t know what that will entail but Gacy faces Roderick Strong for the Cruiserweight Championship on Sunday, so sparks are sure to fly here. And then Kyle O’Reilly & Von Wagner take on Legado del Fantasma, with the winning team receiving an NXT Tag Team Title shot. There’s certain to be plenty more on tonight’s episode but this is what we know ahead of time.
That’s the preview for tonight’s NXT. Our live coverage will begin from 8PM right here. Let us know if you’re excited about any of it and remember to hit the refresh link below and enjoy the show!
NXT 2.0
NXT opens with Toxic Attraction walking backstage, then it cuts to their WarGames opponents doing the same. Both teams meet on the stage and begin brawling as the fans chant “WarGames!” The officials rush out and manage to get everyone to the back, except for the two women in the upcoming match. Dakota sends Kay Lee Ray into a ladder on the ramp, then puts her into the ring.
WarGames Advantage Ladder Match
Dakota Kai Vs. Kay Lee Ray
The bell rings and Ray catches Kai with a superkick. Dakota rolls outside and Ray hits a springboard tope to her on the floor! Ray pulls a ladder out from under the ring, then runs Dakota into the apron using it. Kai slaps Ray in the face and it just pisses her off. Ray chases Kai around the ring but Dakota grabs her and hits a spinning reverse DDT into the steel steps!
Kai gets another ladder and sets it agianst the apron but Ray slings her into the steel steps. Ray gets in the ring and looks to bring the ladder inside as well but Kai drags it back out. Ray then dives through the ropes onto Dakota. Kay Lee front suplexes Dakota onto the ladder on the floor, then takes the ladder into the ring as referees check on Kai. Ray starts climbing but Kai returns and sends her into the ring post. Dakota climbs up briefly but gets pulled down and punched.
Dakota reverses an Irish whip, sending Ray into the ladder and knocking it over. Kai then gets Ray in the corner and hits a running face wash. Kai erects the ladder in the centre of the ring again but goes back to beating Ray for a minute. KLR fires back and goes to the top rope but Kai knocks her into the tree of woe towards the outside. Dakota hits a double stomp to ray and they both fall to the floor.
*Commercial Break*
Back live and Kai has Ray down with a heel hook. Ray rolls out of the ring to break the hold, then drops Dakota. Ray gets back in and starts scaling the ladder but Dakota returns and they trade blows. Kai knocks Ray off with a punch and grabs the briefcase. KLR grabs the ankle of Kai but Dakota kicks her away, then jumps off the ladder with a double stomp.
Kai starts climbing the ladder again but Ray pulls her feet through the rungs and hangs her upside down. Ray starts climbing over the top of Kai but Dakota yanks her back down. Ray superkicks Kai and she tumbles off the ladder. Kay Lee Ray then starts climbing the opposite side and she unhooks the briefcase for her team!
Winner: Kay Lee Ray
We see a replay of last week’s show where Cameron Grimes challenged Duke Hudson to a hair-vs-hair match. Grimes then had a run-in with Andre Chase backstage, and the two will have a match tonight.
*Commercial Break*
The Grizzled Young Veterans are backstage and they’re trying to break into the lockers of Briggs and Jensen. Ikemen Jiro and Kusida appear and cause a rucukus through confusion until Briggs and Jensen appear and GYV run off.
Cameron Grimes Vs. Andre Chase
The bell rings and Grimes grabs a leg but Chase gets to the ropes. Chase takes a headlock but Grimes hip-tosses him, then taunts him. Chase is sent to the apron but he snaps Grimes on the top rope, then gets back in and hits a neckbreaker for a one-count. Chase sends Grimes into the buckles and stomps him. Grimes catches Chase with a Frankensteiner, then rallies with some running forearms. Grimes hits a big boot in the corner, then goes to the top rope and jumps but Chase avoids him. Chase runs at Grimes but gets caught with the Cave-In.
Winner: Cameron Grimes
Duke Hudson appears on a platform after the match. He says he got a friend to whip-up some images of what Grimes might look like after he beats him on Sunday and takes his hair. A handful of terrible haircuts appear on a picture of Grimes. Hudson says Grimes is complaining but the internet says he made Cameron more handsome. So he’ll fix that by taking the hair and the beard on Sunday. Grimes tells him to hold on, then puts Andre Chase back in the ring and grabs a razor. Grimes looks to shave Chase but one of his students saves him. Grimes gets a microphone and says he can’t wait to shave Duke bald.
*Commercial Break*
Carmelo Hayes, Trick Williams, Bron Breakker, Grayson Waller and Tony D’Angelo are in the ring and an announcer reveals that Johnny Gargano will be competing in the advantage ladder match tonight.
Carmelo Hayes says we’re looking at the future of NXT, the dream team. And as for Gargano, he’s done it all in NXT, had food on his plate for years, but he’s not asking him to share he’s handing him his plate. Waller calls their opponents team hot-dogs and handshakes. He says they wanted them to come in, shake hands and carry bags but instead they slapped them in the face and posed it on social media, because that’s what a sports entertainer does. He says he’s a younger, better looking LA Knight.
Bron Breakker steps forward and he mocks Ciampa and says he’s overlooking them. This week they’re coming to beat the black and gold team and then he’s coming for the NXT Championship. Tony D’Angelo says he knows a lot about gold and he respecs the black and gold team, they paved the road. But that road has potholes and they’re going to fill them with their heads. The announcer returns and reveals that Gargano’s opponent for tonight is Bron Breakker.
Gargano comes out and calls them rainbow-soaked rookies. He says they want to bury him and his peers in order to get ahead. Tonight he’s going one-on-one with the big bad booty nephew, which the fans start chanting. Gargano says he’s coming out here by himself tonight, so how about Breakker do the same. The fans want to see them go man-to-man. Breakker agrees and says he’ll kick Johnny’s ass in the ladder match.
*Commercial Break*
MSK are in the car, searching for their shaman and they’re both so high they can barely drive. Their GPS is talking smack to them and Wes Lee wants to fight it but they finally arrive at the shaman’s house. The door opens and its all purple and foggy and we don’t see who he is.
Number One Contenders Match
Legado Del Fantasma Vs. Kyle O’Reilly & Von Wagner
Wagner starts against Mendoza and throws him to the corner. Mendoza grabs the wrist and tries to wring it but Wagner whips him to the corner. Mendoza springboards over Wagner but gets dropped with a shoulder tackle. O’Reilly tags in and kicks the chest of Mendoza while Wagner headbutts him. O’Reilly grabs a headlock but Wilde tags in and they hit a double spinebuster, followed by stereo dropkicks.
Wilde and Mendoza try to isolate O’Reilly and use quick tags. O’Reilly grabs an armbar but Mendoza rolls him up for a two-count. Wagner tags in and jumps over O’Reilly and lands on Mendoza. Wagner German suplexes Mendoza for a two-count and holds onto him for a bear hug. Xyon Quinn comes walking down the ramp and stares a hole through Santos Escobar and Elektra.
*Commercial Break*
We return to find Legado firmly in control of O’Reilly. Wilde and Mendoza make lots of tags and keep O’Reilly grounded and away from Wagner. Eventually he kicks Mendoza and sends Wilde to the apron where Wagner boots him off. O’Reilly finally gets the tag and Wagner unloads on Mendoza with right hands, clotheslines, and a Triple H knee.
Wagner hits a high-angle powerslam and reverse STO for a near-fall. Mendoza avoids Wagner and heads to the apron for a springboard dropkick and both men are down. Tags made to O’Reilly and Joaquin and they trade countless shots in the centre. Wilde DDT’s O’Reilly, then slaps Wagner. Mendoza runs in but Wagner pulls the rope down to send him outside, then he and O’Reilly hit a high-and-low for the win!
Winners: Kyle O’Reilly & Von Wagner
Imperium are backstage and asked about facing O’Reilly and Von Wagner. Barthel starts to say it doesn’t matter who they face but O’Reilly and Wagner appear and tell them they’ll see them at WarGames and Wagenr calls them dumbasses.
*Commercial Break*
Joe Gacy and Harland are in the ring for an inclusive invitiational, along with three random Superstars. Gacy says this is how he sees the future of the cruiserweight division. They believe Roderick Strong’s reign has created a toxic enviornment, but in his world the division will no longer be defined by height, weight or gender. He invited these Superstars here tonight to give everyone a glimpse into the future of NXT.
Gacy looks for a lock-up with his first of three opponents but the guy avoids it. The guy kicks him in the gut but Gacy connects with a pump kick and gets angry. Gacy splashes the guy in the corner, then hits a Book-End. Gacy hits a gutwrench bomb for the pinfall. Afterwards Gacy hugs the yougn man and invites the woman into the ring. Before they can lock-uo, the lights do down and out comes Diamond Mine.
Malcolm Bivens says Gacy didn’t need to create this spectacle and it’s lacking legitamacy. Bivens says Gacy should have told people they’re witnessing history because this was the first and last inclusive invitiational, because on Sunday Diamond Mine will shut him up for good. Gacy asks to quell hostilities and asks to speak to Strong without the rest of Diamond Mine. Bivens taunts Gacy and he asks Roderick if he always lets other people speak for him. Strong hits Gacy but gets caught with the handspring clothesline. Harland drags Gacy out of the ring as Diamond Mine rush in.
Solo Sikoa is being interviewed backstage and he says he respects his opponent tonight, Edris Enofe, a guy from a rough neighborhood who was also in the military, but this isn’t the military. Boa interrupts Sikoa and he looks to be in pain. Solo says he can’t understand Boa, who isn’t speaking English, and walks off.
*Commercial Break*
Solo Sikoa Vs. Edris Enofe
Enofe’s debut gets underway and they lock-up with Sikoa taking the wrist. Enofe wheels around and grabs the back but Sikoa shirks him off and kicks him in the chest. Sikoa lands a splash for a one-count and out comes Robert Stone to watch and take notes. Sikoa kicks Enofe a few times and his a spinning slam for a two-count.
Enofe starts to fight back but Sikoa kicks him down and hits a senton for another two. Solo misses a splash in the corner and Enofe starts landing right hands, followed by a dropkick. Enofe connects with a knee, then goes to the middle rope for a high crossbody. Enofe lands a DDT and goes up top for a 450 but Solo avoids it. Sikoa hits a Samoan drop, then an Uso splash for the win.
Winner: Solo Sikoa
Boa attacks Sikoa after the match, and he’s wearing new gear with face paint. Enofe attacks Boa as he’s choking Sikoa. Solo tries to superkick Boa but he dodges it and leaves the ring.
Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta are backstage and Indi gets a call from the hospital. The doctor says Dexter Lumis is missing and Indi is worried but Jacy says they have a match and she needs to concentrate.
*Commercial Break*
Xyon Quinn is walking outside and he spots Elektra. She says she wishes he’d stop messing with Legado, but she admires that he marches to the beat of his own drum. That said, good luck next week because he’s facing Santos Escobar.
Indi Hartwell & PerSIA PIROTTA Vs. yULISA Leon & Valentina Feroz
Indi starts with Yulisa and she’s not paying any attention. Yulisa takes her down and goes to work on her leg. Indi kicks her off and Valenina tags in for a dropkick from the middle rope. Valenmtina does a little dance before a standing moonsault. She goes to work on Indi’s leg also. Pirotta tags in and she runs over both women with clotheslines. Pirotta hits snake eyes to Valentina, then a spin-out facebuster for the win.
Winners: Indi Hartwell & Persia Pirotta
The announcers run down the entire card for NXT WarGames this Sunday. Johnny Gargano makes his entrance for the main event, where he will attempt to gain the advantage for Sunday.
*Commercial Break*
WarGames Advantange Ladder Match
Johnny Gargano Vs. Bron Breakker
Our main event gets underway and they lock-up with Breakker shoving Johnny away. The fans chant “booty nephew” at Breakker, so he flexes like Scott Steiner. Breakker shoots Gargano into the ropes and drops him witha shoulder. Breakker does a wrestling roll into a stalling vertical suplex with one hand! Breakker backs Johnny into the corner and lands repeated shoulder tackles.
Gargano counters Bron with a Frankensteiner, then dropkicks him out of the ring. Gragano dives over the ropes onto Breakker with a crossbody. Johnny goes for a ladder but Breakker attacks him, then snake eyes him onto the apron. Breakker brings the ladder down to the ring and Johnny tries to baseball slide it but he lifts it over him, then hits him with it.
Breakker tries to erect the ladder but Gargano starts climbing it, so Bron shoves it over. Breakker runs through a clothesline and catches Johnny with a high-angle powerslam. Breakker lifts the ladder but Gargano hits a slingshot spear. Johnny starts climbing but Breakker yanks him down, then Gargano shoves the ladder into his face. Breakker rolls outside and Gargano hits a suicide dive, sending him over the announce desk.
*Commercial Break*
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