Drake Wuertz was captured on video spreading radical QAnon conspiracy theories about masks during a recent Zoom call. This resulted in even more backlash from the Internet Wrestling Community. A report about him getting suspended was also debunked. It was later revealed he was told to stay home for two weeks due to COVID-19 protocol, because he obviously wasn’t wearing a mask.
Wuertz posted a rant on his Facebook about news outlets picking up his radical views. He doesn’t appreciate it when people say he has unfounded radical views based on debunked right-wing conspiracy theories. The NXT referee continues circling back around to the same hook that he’s saving the children somehow.
My wife said some folks are apparently writing about our “Radical Views “. *Human Trafficking is modern-day slavery and we seek to eradicate it *Abortion is Murder and needs to be Abolished *Children in my community that are being forced by local government to wear masks for 8 hours a day against their parents wishes is abuse. We have a God-ordained duty to speak up for the ‘least of these’ and petition our magistrates to prevent harm upon children.
If this is “Radical” then label me an extremist for Christ. Were not called to fit in with the world. Were called to serve God!
…”We ought to obey God rather than men.” Acts 5:29
Someone make the arguments for if I should or shouldn’t comment on that Drake Wuertz Facebook post.
Context (this was friends-only when he posted it last night, but he made it visible to logged in non-friends this morning after Brian James asked if he could share it):
CM Punk made a joke about a “QAnon Stable” in NXT for a reason. It seems that Drake Wuertz isn’t the only one who shares those same radical beliefs. You can check out his post below.
Also, fun sidenote, Drake used to be a deathmatch wrestler. Enjoy this clip if you’re into that sort of thing.