WWE RAW is on Syfy this week, a rare detour from the USA Network thanks to the Olympic Games. The company has a trick that they are using to keep fans watching.
Fans can enjoy tonight’s edition of the Monday Night RAW without any interruption from commercials, though there’s a catch. WWE fans can watch the first hour of RAW without any commercial interruptions, though it will only be available on Syfy.
The announcement of RAW being commercial free for an hour (from 8 p.m. Eastern to 9 p.m. Eastern) came straight from WWE. As the USA network is busy airing the Winter Olympics, WWE has taken to airing the latest edition of the Monday Night RAW on Syfy.
This episode of the Monday Night RAW is going to pack a lot of heat. Hall of Famer Lita is returning to RAW once again. The WWE diva is making her return on the brand after many years, and will start building up the journey towards her first Women’s Championship Match in over 15 years.
The episode will also include the finals of the Alpha Academy Academic Challenge and a thunderous match between Riddle and Seth Rollins will also take place. Here’s the current line-up for the show.
- – Alpha Academy vs. RK-Bro
- – Riddle vs. Seth Rollins
- – Lita’s promo
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