Welcome to Ringside News’ live results, highlights, winners and reactions for the January 24th, 2022 episode of WWE RAW. Start time for tonight’s show is 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page, so you should update frequently to get the latest happenings. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.
This is the final Monday Night RAW as we head into the Royal Rumble on Sunday. With that in mind, Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley will have a weigh-in for their upcoming WWE Championship bout. The two behemoths will almost certainly come to blows ahead of their much anticipated match, and we can’t wait to see how it plays out.
Elsewhere tonight, Alpha Academy will take-on RK-Bro in a series of Academic challenges in order to prove their intellectual superiority, Becky Lynch and Doudrop will come face-to-face once more before their match for the RAW Women’s Championship, and The Miz will throw a big birthday bash for Maryse, which we’re confident Edge and Beth Phoenix will be in attendance for.
And that’s the preview for tonight’s RAW. Our live coverage will begin from 8PM right here. Let us know if you’re excited about any of it and remember to hit the refresh link below and enjoy the show!
Monday Night RAW is live and Corey Graves and Adam Pearce are in the ring for the weigh-in. Pearce welcomes us to the show, then introduces the All Mighty Bobby Lashley, accompanied by MVP.
Before Corey Graces can introduce his challenger, Paul Heyman walks out onto the stage. Heyman says he’s tired of people stealing his schtick, and so he introcuces the WWE Champion, Brock Lesnar, as only he can. Lesnar comes out wearing a cowboy hat and does a lap of the ring before getting inside and staring at Lashley.
Graves tells Brock is attire is not right for a weigh-in and Brock asks if he’d rather him naked? Lashley is the first man onto the scale and clocks in at 273lbs. MVP says that’s 273lbs of killing machine. Bottled lightning. More God than man. Something Brock won’t be able to contend with come Saturday night. Some said that match would never take place but Bobby knew it was inevitable. And after the Royal Rumble Lashley will actually gain some weight, the exact weight of the title belt.
Lesnar takes of his hat and gives it to Heyman, then he steps on the scale and weighs-in at 286lbs. Lashley says this is pissing him off because Brock isn’t taking it seriously. Lesnar just laughs. Lashley says this will be the shortest title reign of Brock’s career, and that’s not a prediction… it’s a spoiler. Lesnar says Lashley is the real comedian. Brock says picture this: on Sunday morning, hot off the press, Bobby Lashley beats Brock Lesnar with The Hurt Lock, and we have a new Champion. Bobby who? Lesnar leaves with Heyman and Lashley isn’t happy.
We see a replay of Bianca Belair winning the Royal Rumble last year, then going on to beat Sasha Banks at WrestleMania to become the SmackDown Women’s Champion. Belair makes her entrance.
*Commercial Break*
Bianca Belair Vs. Queen Zelina
They lock-up and Belair immediately lifts her and sets her over the ropes. Belair laughs at Vega, then picks her up and drags her through the ropes and slams her. Belair dodges Zelina, flips backwards, and dropkicks her. Bianca looks for a suplex but Vega counters with a Stunner. Vega connects with a running knee and backs Belair into the corner.
Bianca lifts Vega up into a military press and holds her but Vega slides down into a sleeper. Bianca runs backwards into the buckles but Vega holds on and delivers some elbows to drop Belair to a knee. Bianca fights up and throws her off, then counters a headscissors and lands some clotheslines. Belair hits a suplex and rolls into a stalling suplex. Belair wants a handspring moonsault but Vega gets her knees up. Vega looks for Code Red but Belair counters and hits the K.O.D
Winner: Bianca Belair
Kevin Owens is interviewed backstage and asked about feigning injury last week. Owens gets annoyed and says he wasn’t faking, he fought through the pain to give Damian Priest his first pinfall loss. And tonight he gets a chance to take the United States Championship from Priest.
*Commercial Break*
United States Championship
(C) Damian Priest Vs. Kevin Owens
Owens attempts a Stunner right off the bat but Priest shoves him away. Priest punches him in the corner but KO turns it around and chops him. Owens blocks a kick but eats a handful of right hands. Owens drops under Priest and connects with a back elbow, then a senton for a two-count. Owens stomps Priest in the corner and runs at him but gets grabbed. Owens eats a kick and rolls outside.
Priest looks to dive out but Owens runs away. Priest goes out and blocks a superkick, then runs him into the barricade. Priest gets him back into the ring but Owens superkicks him as he attempts to get in the ring. Owens goes to the apron and looks for a tope off the apron but Priest gets his knees up. Priest grabs Owens and chokeslams him onto the apron as we head to the break.
*Commercial Break*
Back live and Priest is back in control of Owens. Priest gets Owens on the top rope but KO catches him with a torando DDT. Owens goes right back up top and lands a frog splash for a near-fall. Owens is agitated and waits for Damian to get up so he can superkick him. Owens wants a pop-up powerbomb but Priest avoids it, then catches him with a flapjack.
Priest drops Owens and once again he starts feigning an injury and rolls to the apron. Priest goes after him but Owens snaps him on the ropes. Owens gets back in and rolls him up for a near-fall. Owens looks for a Stunner but Priest shoves him off and hits a big clothesline. Priest gets mad and beats Owens down in the corner until the referee pulls him back. He does it again and gets disqualified.
Winner Via Disqualification: Kevin Owens
Rhea Ripley cut a promo earlier today in which she said she has a score to settle with Nikki A.S.H but right now she’s focused on the Royal Rumble. She will do anything it takes to win it. Dana Brooke then cuts a similar promo. Liv Morgan is next and she says everyone saw her nearly become Champion, but at Royal Rumble there will be no nearly.
*Commercial Break*
Damian Priest is backstage and Sonya Deville is dressing him down. She tells him he needs to get his temper under control of he will find himself suspended or fired.
Rhea Ripley, Dana Brooke & Liv Morgan Vs. Nikki A.S.H, Tamina, & Carmella
Tamina starts with Brooke and drops her with a clothesline. Tamina lands some ground-and-pound, then goes to a submission. Brooke fights up and makes it to her corner. Ripley tags in and dropkicks Tamina, then knocks Carmella and Nikki off the apron. Ripley hits Tamina with some short-arm clotheslines, then a ripcord headbutt.
Rhea hits a dropkick, then a kick to the gut and a fisherman suplex for a near-fall. Carmella runs in and kicks RIpley, then Morgan dropkicks her, Nikki runs in and hits her, Dana knocks her from the ring, and Tamina drops Brooke. Carmella then tags in and looks to jump on a downed Ripley but Rhea grabs her with the Prism Trap and Carmella quickly taps out.
Winners: Rhea RIpley, Dana Brooke & Liv Morgan
We see a replay of last Monday when RK-Bro interrupted Alpha Academy’s graduation ceremony for Otis. Alpha Academy make their way to the ring for Round 1 of the academic challenge, which will be a spelling bee.
*Commercial Break*
Kevin Patrick is in the ring to mediate the spelling bee. He introduces the RAW Tag Team Champion’s, Alpha Academy. Gable insults Patrick, then calls the fans morons before explaining that this will be the first of three events between them an RK-Bro. These events will prove that he isn’t just an Olympian, he’s also a genius with a 4.0 GPA.
The fans boo and Gable asks them not to, says if anyone needs education it’s Ohio. Gable says Otis will use his tree trunk brain to break RK-Bro into mental submission. And last but not least, they are declaring themselves for this year’s Royal Rumble. Kevin Patrick then introduces the former Tag Champ’s, RK-Bro, who make their way to the ring for the spelling bee.
The spelling bee gets underway and Otis spells his first word correctly. Riddle is up next and he’s asked to spell “calibration”. Riddle asks for it to be used in a sentence, then asks Patrick to use it in letters. Riddle realises its what he does to set his scales when he’s weighing grams and spells it correctly. Gable steps up to the plate and is asked to spell “disillusion” and he laughs, saying it’s too easy. Gable then spells “dissolution” because he would’t let Patrick give a definition. He blames Patrick’s Irish accent.
Randy Orton steps up and tells Gable to sit the Hell down. Patrick asks Randy to spell “dumbbell” and if he gets it right RK-Bro will win the competition. Orton spells it correctly! Gable gets angry and says Orton’s word was too easy. Orton says he should shut Gable’s mouth, and suggests a match right now. Orton spells out how he’s going to beat Gable: R-K-O.
*Commercial Break*
Randy Orton W/Riddle Vs Gable W/Otis
The match begins with a lock-up and Gable grabs a wristlock. Orton rolls out ofit and they lock-up again. Orton fights out of a hammerlock and drops Gable with a shoulder. Another lock-up and this time Orton takes the hammerlock but Gable shoots him off and catches him with an arm-drag. Orton fights up and looks for an RKO but Gable shoves him off and rolls from the ring.
Gable regroups with Otis on the floor before getting back inside. They lock-up and Orton grabs the wrist but Gable flips out, then takes Orton down with an impressive ankle pick. Orton rolls out of the ring and regroups with Riddle, then slowly gets back inside. Gable beats Orton into the corner and forearms him but wastes time posing, allowing Orton turns him around and lands some European uppercuts.
Gable bails to the outside but Orton goes after him and hits a back suplex onto the announce desk. Otis comes around the ring post and stares at Randy but he’s unfazed as he picks Gable up and puts him back in the ring. Otis gets on the apron and Randy knocks him off but Gable takes him down with a chopblock. Gable drops Orton with a shoulder, then goes up top for a high-angle moonsault and scores a near-fall.
*Commercial Break*
Back live and Gable is twisting the ankle of Orton while Riddle offers him water bottles. Gable puts Randy in the corner and hits a dragon screw on the leg. Gable whips Orton to the opposite corner but Randy bounces back out with a clothesline, then another. Orton hits a back body drop, then a clothesline in the corner. Orton ducks a clothesline and hits a backbreaker.
Orton gets Gable on the apron and drags him through the ropes for the draping DDT. Orton pumps-up the crowd, then drops down and thumps the mat but Otis grabs Riddle and throws him overhead on the floor. Orton is distracted and gets rolled-up but kicks out. Orton catches Gable with a snap powerslam and takse a breather.
Orton goes to the corner and readies for a punt but Gable rolls out of the way and grabs an ankle lock! On the floor, Riddle attacks Otis with his scooter and beats him down! Gable gets distracted, allowing Orton to roll out of the ankle lock, sending Chad into the buckles, then catches him with a gnarly RKO and scores the pinfall!
Winner: Randy Orton
After the match Riddle gets a microphone and says that, because they won the spelling bee, him and Randy get to choose next week’s test. He wants to send things old school and get some physical education. And what’s more physical than a good old fashioned scooter race? Gable practically faints.
*Commercial Break*
Alexa Bliss is still in therapy and her therapist says they’re making progress. He asks Alexa when she met Lilly and she says when she was six years old. Two teenagers picked on her when she was in school and they shoved her off the monkey bars. She was out cold. And when she came to Lilly was there. They played together and Lilly told her the teenagers were gone. Alexa continues talkng and the camera fades out.
Vince and Austin Theory are in the Chairman’s office. Austin says he plans on winning the Royal Rumble, then main eventing WrestleMania. Theory says it would be nice if Vince vould get him a number like 26, maybe 29. Vince says he has no control over that and he should focus on his opponent tonight: AJ Styles. Theory is a little concerned about facing the future Hall of Famer but Vince tells him to go and bring back a good selfie.
*Commercial Break*
AJ Styles Vs. Austin Theory
They lock up and Theory powers AJ to the corner and tauns him. They lock up again and this time Styles puts Austin in the corner. Theory quickly turns him around and taunts him again. Styles grabs him with a side headlock and Theory tries to whip him off but Styles hangs on. Theory eventually whips him off, but Styles rolls him up for a two count.
Theory lifts him, but Styles counters into a roll-up for a two count. Styles knocks Theory out of the ring, then jumps over the ropes with a forearm to the face. AJ gets Austin back inside and chops him in the corner. Austin turns things around and grabs a submission but AJ backs him into the corner and chops him again. Styles drops a knee on Theory for a two-count.
Theory hits AJ with a stun gun, then stomps him and whips him hard into the buckles. Theory holds AJ down and talks trash before hitting a front suplex. Theory takes AJ to the top rope but Styles punches him off. Theory retaliates with a rolling dropkick and Styles falls from the ropes to the floor. Theory is disappointed because he wanted the cover.
*Commercial Break*
Back live and Styles blocks a shot and hits an enziguiri. Theory lifts AJ and hits a swining backbreaker for a near-fall. Theory sends him to the corner and drills him with shoulders to the back. Theory catches Styles with a huge back body drop and scores another near-fall. Styles counters Theory and drops him, then goes to the corner and hits a springboard reverse DDT for a near-fall!
Styles hits a clothesline, then lands a flurry of strikes to drop Austin. Styles with a forearm in the corner, then a suplex into a neckbreaker. AJ connects with a sliding forearm for a two-count. Theory counters AJ and hits a spinning back suplex for a near-fall. Theory is annoyed and wastes time, allowing AJ to hit a jawbreaker. Theory comes back with a rolling blockbuster for a near-fall.
Theory takes Styles to the top rope and wants a superplex but Styles slides through his legs and drops him face-first on the buckles. Theory counters him, lifts AJ for a powerbomb, but AJ lands on his feet and hits a Pele kick. Both men are down! Theory grabs Styles and wants te ATL but AJ reverses into the calf crusher. Theory quickly crawls to the rope to force the break.
AJ goes to the apron for the Phenomenal Forearm but Theory knocks him off the ropes. Theory covers with his feet on the ropes but the referee spots the cheat and stops him. Theory is angry and argues with the referee before lifting Styles and looking to hit the ATL but AJ fights it again and gets on the apron. Styles hits a perfect Phenomenal Forearm to win this incredible match.
Winner: AJ Styles
*Commercial Break*
Becky Lynch and Doudrop have a split-screen interview. Becky demands they start with the Champion. She says Doudrop idolized her and walked the path she paved. Then she got Doudrop this title shot. So why would she do that? She’s either very generous or very confident that she can beat her. Doudrop interrupts her and says Becky has been ducking, diving and scrambling to hold onto the title.
Doudrop says Becky thought putting the new girl in would be easy but the only thing that will be easy is breaking Becky’s ribs. Lynch says she’s still waiting on a thank you for inspiring Doudrop, for getting her into WWE, for getting her a title shot. She even offered to lead her to victory in a tag match last week but Doudrop attacked her instead. Well she’s in for a rude awakening when she steps in the ring with the Van G.O.A.T.
Doudrop says Becky needs to put some respect on her name. Becky says Doudrop was just another name on the roster before her and she needs to learn her place. and Doudrop gets angry and walks off. Becky continues ranting about being the best Women’s Champion of all-time when Doudrop busts into her room and they start brawling but immediately get pulled apart by Adam Pearce and others.
Rey and Dominik Mysterio are interviewed backstage and Rey is asked about being on the cover of the new WWE 2K video game. Rey says it’an honour and a dope moment. He says it’s awesome and the only thing he’d love more is seeing his son on the cover someday. Dominik says he has to blaze his trail and it starts on Saturday when he wins the Rumble. Rey says to do that he’d have to elimiante his old man. Dominik laughs and says Rey will be the first to go after last week.
*Commercial Break*
Street Profits vs. Rey & Dominik mysterio
Dominik starts against Dawkins and grabs a side headlock. Dawkins shoots him off and hits a spinning back elbow. Dominik hits a headscissors and Dawkins is knocked to the floor. Rey holds the ropes open so Dominik can hit a suicide dive to Dawkins, then Rey backflips off the ropes onto Ford. Montez sends Rey over the ropes and Dominik catches him, then Ford dives over onto both of them.
*Commercial Break*
Back live and Dawkins is holding Dominik in the middle of the ring with a headlock. Dominik fights up and avoids Dawkins in the corner, then hits a tornado DDT. Rey and Ford tag in and Rey catches him with a tilt-a-whirl headscissor, then a seated senton. Rey ducks a clothesline but Montez catches him with a flapjack, then a rolling frog splash for a near-fall.
Rey kicks Montez away, slides through his legs, then Dominik returns to assist Rey with a Frankensteiner that lands Ford on the ropes. They want a double 619 but Dawkins drags Dominik out of the ring and Ford blocks the 619. Ford lifts Rey onto his shoulders but Rey rolls down into a pinfall for the win!
Winners: Rey & Dominik Mysterio
As they’re celebrating, Dominik tries to send Rey over the ropes but Rey counters and pulls Dominik out with his legs. Rey smiles at Dominik but then Ford dumps Rey over and out. Dawkins comes in and tosses Ford out and holds his hands up. Suddenly the Dirty Dawgz run in and toss Dawkings over the ropes and pose together. The Mysterio’s and the Profits get back in the ring and knock the Dawgz out before staring each other down.
*Commercial Break*
Seth Rollins is interviewed backstage and he says he and Roman are going back-and-forth again and again and he likes his odds because he’s done it before. Roman knows he has his number and he can put the big dog in his place. So he’s going to take one last trip to SmackDown to deliver a message to his brother.
Thhe commentators run down the entire card for the Royal Rumble. The annual PPV takes place this Saturday night and we will have live results coverage right here on Ringside News.
The Miz makes his entrance for Maryse’s birthday celebration. The ring has blown-up pictures of Maryse and the family. The celebrations get underway, next!
*Commercial Break*
The Miz welcomes us to Maryse’s birthday extravaganza, then introduces the woman herself. Miz tells Maryse to open her first present and it’s a portrait of the two of them as a prince and princess. Maryse says that pciture makes her feel more special than when she got her Rolls Royce or when she had her children. Miz says anything for her. He then tells her he hired security to surround the ring and ensure there will be no interruptions or Brood baths.
Maryse’s next gift is a bedazzled purse and she kisses him as a thank you. Maryse wants to open a giant gold box in the middle of the ring but Miz says he didn’t get her that one. Maryse says she didn’t get it for him either, so Miz gets paranoid and demands security come and open it. A guy tears it open and inside is the brick Maryse used to hit Beth Phoenix last week. Miz laughs and asks did we think they were stupid enough to have a giant box and not know what was inside?
Miz asks everyone to stand up and sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Maryse. The fans boo and Miz berates them, then demands they sing. Music plays and Miz sings but the fans do not. Edge’s music hits and interrupts Miz. The Grit Couple stomp their way down the ramp and Edge say no amount of security can save Miz or Maryse on Saturday. They’ve pissed off the Rated R-Superstar and the Glamazon and they’re about to get a taste of Saturday night.
Edge and Beth run down the ramp and secutiry comes at them but gets attacked. Edge boots one down, Beth slams one on the floor, then Edge throws one into the ring post. Miz and Maryse bail from the ring as Edge and Beth get inside and trash the gifts. Phoenix hits a spear, then her and Edge hit a Hart Attack on a security guard, then a 3D on another. Edge lifts the security guard and powerbombs him through the table with a cake on it. Miz and Maryse run away to end the show.
That’s it for this week’s RAW, let us know what you thought of the show and we’ll see you back here tomorrow night for NXT. Until next time, stay safe.