Randy Orton’s tattoo artist Catherine Alexander is going to engage in a legal battle against WWE. The artist has launched a lawsuit against many parties involving the games which use her unique tattoo designs. This battle is far from over in the slightest.
Randy Orton’s tattoos are universally recognized by the fans, and they have been part of many of the WWE games. Orton got these tattoos done by Alexander, who claims that these are her own intellectual properties.
Catherine Alexander is suing all the parties involved with the making of the games. The parties are WWE, Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., 2K Games, Inc., 2K Sports, Inc., Visual Concepts Entertainment, Yuke’s Co., Ltd., and Yuke’s LA Inc.
Alexander states that she reached out to WWE back in 2009, and said that she should be given her dues for her work. However, the company offered her a mere sum of $450 to buy the rights of the tattoos, which she declined. Alexander’s legal team maintains that she has never given the company permission to use her designs.
[She] did not grant any permission to WWE to copy, duplicate or otherwise use or reproduce any of Plaintiff’s designs.
WWE & Alexander had their legal battle scheduled for earlier. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the trial will start next year in January 31, 2022. The trial will determine whether the defendants were just in using the designs which Catherine claims belong to her.
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December 20, 2021 1:32 pm