Young Bucks Joke About Dave Meltzer’s Rating Of Their AEW All Out Match

By | September 11, 2021

AEW All Out included a tremendous tag team match for the Tag Team Titles. Penta and Fenix defeated Matt and Nick Jackson. It was quite a show, but not quite a six-star outing.

The Young Bucks and Lucha Bros’ amazing All Out cage match earned a 5 3/4 star rating from Dave Meltzer in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. This was a very high rating, but it wasn’t quite a six-star match.

It didn’t take long for the Jackson Brothers’ Twitter account to change its bio to: “Would’ve been six if it was at Tokyo Dome.” Obviously, they feel their match deserved that extra 1/4 of a star.

We’ll have to see if AEW can top All Out, but the event was widely praised overall, and it broke a company pay-per-view buy rate record. The Young Bucks vs Lucha Bros was certainly an incredible match on the card, no matter how many stars you give it.

What’s you take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

September 11, 2021 9:34 pm
