REVIEW: Miskatonic #3

By | January 26, 2021

Set in the United States in the 1920s, The future FBI director J. Edgar Hoover assigns two agents to investigate a series of bombings with some miraculous or even supernatural developments.. 

The opening full-panel page begins with someone or shall I say something carried away in a stretcher by an ambulance crew, in the same panel we see one of the protagonists from the Bureau of Investigation Agent Miranda Keller (the Dana Scully of the pairing with her skepticism and no-nonsense ambitions) wanting to know what the heck is going on!? The next page shows her partner, ex-cop, Tom Malone (The Fox Mulder, as he is the true believer – looked on as mildly insane) who has a drinking problem accuses his mentor Professor Armitage of committing double murder. In her heart, Agent Keller believes her partner’s drinking is fogging his suspicions.

Upon numerous discoveries to analyse whether or not that Tom’s insane or is their a method to his madness? For fans of the X-Files and horror in general, this book has it all from green ooze, zombies, spell-casting witches and mystery. 

There is a lot going on in this book that is very well written, Sable is a master of scene jumping.. without monologue the dialogue alone keeps readers in check and at the same time compelled to see what’s next. Both Agents Keller and Malone are likeable characters as they both sport different personalities. Here’s the thing, Pontrelli’s art really isn’t my cup of tea especially with facial expressions (with home interiors and housing, it’s gorgeous). However I appreciated the art more as I got deeper into the story, it really works in this book! I credit Bowland’s coloring technique as it excels the art and makes the book feel darker in the horror tone. 

This is issue # 3, you can still catch issues 1 and 2 from before diving into number 3. I would really love to see this as a TV series, Netflix or Amazon please jump onto this. If you like a bit of murder mystery and hint of X-Files?

Do ya’self a favor and check this out!

SCORE: 4.5/5

(W) Mark Sable (A) Giorgio Pontrelli (CA) Jeremy Haun, Nick Filardi

Proudly published by Aftershock Comics
