This list is based on the shipping dates from the distributors order forms. Not all comic book shops order all items. If you have questions about a specific comic, talk to your comic shop owner. PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will arrive in all stores. Items with release dates are not verified by the distributors and are individually noted. Some of the comics titles listed may have arrived in stores already through Diamond Distributors, Penguin-Random House, Lunar Distribution and UCS Comic Distributors.
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TITLE, ISSUE NUMBER, PRICE IN U.S. DOLLARS (“AR” means “ask your retailer for the price”)
Batman #132 (Cover A Jorge Jimenez), $4.99
Batman #132 (Cover B Joe Quesada Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman #132 (Cover C Stanley Artgerm Lau Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman #132 (Cover D Derrick Chew Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman #132 (Cover E Stanley Artgerm Lau Foil Variant), AR
Batman #132 (Cover F Mike Hawthorne Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman And The Joker The Deadly Duo #4 (Of 7)(Cover A Marc Silvestri), $4.99
Batman And The Joker The Deadly Duo #4 (Of 7)(Cover B David Mack Batman Variant), $4.99
Batman And The Joker The Deadly Duo #4 (Of 7)(Cover C David Mack Catwoman Variant), $4.99
Batman And The Joker The Deadly Duo #4 (Of 7)(Cover D Liam Sharp), AR
Batman And The Joker The Deadly Duo #4 (Of 7)(Cover E Marc Silvestri), AR
Batman And The Joker The Deadly Duo #4 (Of 7)(Cover F Sanford Greene), AR
Batman Spawn #1 (One Shot)(2nd Printing Cover A Greg Capullo Batman Variant), $6.99
Batman Spawn #1 (One Shot)(2nd Printing Cover B Greg Capullo Spawn Variant), $6.99
DC Universe By Dwayne McDuffie HC, $39.99
Flash #792 (Cover A Taurin Clarke)(One-Minute War), $3.99
Flash #792 (Cover B Daniel Bayliss Card Stock Variant)(One-Minute War), $4.99
Flash #792 (Cover C Serg Acuna Card Stock Variant)(One-Minute War), $4.99
Flash #792 (Cover D Mateus Manhanini Black History Month Card Stock Variant)(One-Minute War), $4.99
Flash #792 (Cover E Scott Kolins Card Stock Variant)(One-Minute War), AR
Flash #792 (Cover F Taurin Clarke Foil Variant)(One-Minute War), AR
Gotham City Year One #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Phil Hester & Eric Gapstur), $4.99
Gotham City Year One #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Jeff Spokes), $4.99
Gotham City Year One #5 (Of 6)(Cover C Tony Shasteen), AR
House Of El Volume 3 The Treacherous Hope TP, $16.99
Joker The Man Who Stopped Laughing #5 (Cover A Carmine Di Giandomenico), $5.99
Joker The Man Who Stopped Laughing #5 (Cover B Lee Bermejo), $5.99
Joker The Man Who Stopped Laughing #5 (Cover C Clay Mann), $5.99
Joker The Man Who Stopped Laughing #5 (Cover D Simone Di Meo), AR
Lazarus Planet Next Evolution #1 (One Shot)(Cover A David Marquez & Alejandro Sanchez), $4.99
Lazarus Planet Next Evolution #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Derrick Chew Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Lazarus Planet Next Evolution #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Crystal Kung Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Lazarus Planet Next Evolution #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Tyler Kirkham Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Lazarus Planet Next Evolution #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Sumit Kumar Card Stock Variant), AR
Lazarus Planet Next Evolution #1 (One Shot)(Cover F David Marquez & Alejandro Sanchez Foil Variant), AR
Monkey Prince #11 (Of 12)(Cover A Bernard Chang)(Lazarus Planet), $3.99
Monkey Prince #11 (Of 12)(Cover B Sami Basri Card Stock Variant)(Lazarus Planet), $4.99
Monkey Prince #11 (Of 12)(Cover C Bernard Chang Card Stock Variant)(Lazarus Planet), AR
Poison Ivy #9 (Cover A Jessica Fong), $3.99
Poison Ivy #9 (Cover B Terry Dodson Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Poison Ivy #9 (Cover C Sweeney Boo Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Poison Ivy #9 (Cover D Dan Mora Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Poison Ivy #9 (Cover E Rian Gonzales Card Stock Variant), AR
Poison Ivy #9 (Cover F Mindy Lee Foil Variant), AR
Poison Ivy #9 (Cover G Terry Dodson Foil Variant), AR
Scooby-Doo Where Are You #120 (Cover A Derek Fridolfs), $2.99
Static #1 (Polybag Fascimile Edition), $9.99
Static Shadows Of Dakota #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Nikolas Draper-Ivey), $3.99
Static Shadows Of Dakota #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Chase Conley Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Static Shadows Of Dakota #1 (Of 6)(Cover C Olivier Coipel Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Static Shadows Of Dakota #1 (Of 6)(Cover D Dan Hipp Card Stock Variant), AR
Static Shadows Of Dakota #1 (Of 6)(Cover E Chase Conley Foil Variant), AR
Static Shadows Of Dakota #1 (Of 6)(Cover F Olivier Coipel Foil Variant), AR
Swamp Thing Volume 3 The Parliament Of Gears TP, $16.99
Alien #6 (Cover A Bjorn Barends), $3.99
Alien #6 (Cover B James Harren), AR
Alien #6 (Cover C Nic Klein), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #19 (Cover A John Romita Jr.), $3.99
Amazing Spider-Man #19 (Cover B Terry Dodson), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #19 (Cover C No Prize Variant), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #19 (Cover D Francesco Mobili Planet Of The Apes Variant), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #19 (Cover E Giada Perissinotto Disney 100 Black & White Variant), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #19 (Cover F Giada Perissinotto Disney 100 Variant), AR
Avengers #8 (Facsimile Edition), $3.99
Avengers By Jason Aaron Volume 11 History’s Mightiest Heroes TP, $17.99
Avengers By Jonathan Hickman Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Arthur Adams Direct Market Cover), $125.00
Avengers By Jonathan Hickman Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Dustin Weaver Book Market Cover), $125.00
Avengers Kree Skrull War Gallery Edition HC, $44.99
Avengers War Across Time #2 (Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $3.99
Avengers War Across Time #2 (Cover B Mike McKone), AR
Avengers War Across Time #2 (Cover C Felipe Massafera), AR
Bishop War College #1 (Cover A Ken Lashley), $4.99
Bishop War College #1 (Cover B Chase Conley), AR
Bishop War College #1 (Cover C Larry Stroman & Whilce Portacio Hidden Gem Variant), AR
Bishop War College #1 (Cover D Rob Liefeld), AR
Bishop War College #1 (Cover E Natacha Bustos Planet Of The Apes Variant), AR
Bishop War College #1 (Cover F Whilce Portacio), AR
Black Panther #14 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99
Black Panther #14 (Cover B Leonardo Romero), AR
Black Panther #14 (Cover C Leinil Francis Yu Planet Of The Apes Variant), AR
Black Panther #14 (Cover D No Prize Variant), AR
Captain America Symbol Of Truth #10 (Cover A R. B. Silva), $3.99
Captain America Symbol Of Truth #10 (Cover B Sergio Davila), AR
Captain America Symbol Of Truth #10 (Cover C Ron Lim Planet Of The Apes Variant), AR
Daredevil #8 (Cover A Marco Checchetto), $3.99
Daredevil #8 (Cover B Aka), AR
Daredevil #8 (Cover C Elena Casagrande Stormbreakers Variant), AR
Daredevil #8 (Cover D Terry Dodson Planet Of The Apes Variant), AR
Ghost Rider #11 (Cover A Bjorn Barends), $3.99
Ghost Rider #11 (Cover B Ryan Stegman), AR
Ghost Rider #11 (Cover C Francesco Mobili), AR
Ghost Rider #11 (Cover D J. Scott Campbell Anniversary Variant), AR
Ghost Rider #11 (Cover E J. Scott Campbell Anniversary Retro Variant), AR
Ghost Rider #11 (Cover F J. Scott Campbell Anniversary Virgin Variant), AR
Ghost Rider #11 (Cover G Declan Shalvey Planet Of The Apes Variant), AR
Gold Goblin #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Taurin Clarke), $3.99
Gold Goblin #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Chris Bachalo), AR
Joe Fixit #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Cully Hamner), $3.99
Joe Fixit #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Jamie McKelvie), AR
Mighty Marvel Masterworks Captain Marvel Volume 1 The Coming Of Captain Marvel TP (Gene Colan Direct Market Cover), $15.99
Mighty Marvel Masterworks Captain Marvel Volume 1 The Coming Of Captain Marvel TP (Leonardo Romero Book Market Cover), $15.99
Miracleman By Gaiman And Buckingham The Silver Age #4 (Cover A Mark Buckingham), $4.99
Miracleman By Gaiman And Buckingham The Silver Age #4 (Cover B John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), AR
Miracleman By Gaiman And Buckingham The Silver Age #4 (Cover C Stephanie Hans), AR
Miracleman By Gaiman And Buckingham The Silver Age #4 (Cover D Marco Checchetto), AR
Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Ken Lashley), $3.99
Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Karen Darboe), AR
Namor The Sub-Mariner Conquered Shores #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Pasqual Ferry), $4.99
Red Goblin #1 (Cover A InHyuk Lee), $4.99
Red Goblin #1 (Cover B Derrick Chew), AR
Red Goblin #1 (Cover C Alexander Lozano), AR
Red Goblin #1 (Cover D Dave Rapoza), AR
Red Goblin #1 (Cover E Tom Reilly Windowshades Variant), AR
Red Goblin #1 (Cover F InHyuk Lee Virgin Variant), AR
Secret Invasion #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Rafael Albuquerque), $3.99
Secret Invasion #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Leinil Francis Yu), AR
Star Wars Darth Vader #31 (Cover A Rahzzah), $3.99
Star Wars Darth Vader #31 (Cover B Leinil Francis Yu), AR
Star Wars Darth Vader #31 (Cover C Taurin Clarke Return Of The Jedi 40th Anniversary Variant), AR
Star Wars Darth Vader #31 (Cover D Mateus Manhanini Black History Month Variant), AR
Star Wars Hidden Empire #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Paolo Siqueira), $3.99
Star Wars Hidden Empire #3 (Of 5)(Cover B David Lopez Travel Variant), AR
Star Wars Hidden Empire #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Stephen Cummings Connecting Variant), AR
Star Wars Hidden Empire #3 (Of 5)(Cover D Declan Shalvey), AR
Star Wars Hidden Empire #3 (Of 5)(Cover E Video Game Character Variant), AR
Star Wars Hidden Empire #3 (Of 5)(Cover F Mateus Manhanini Black History Month Variant), AR
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection The Menace Revealed Volume 3 TP, $39.99
Star Wars The High Republic #5 (Cover A Yanick Paquette), $3.99
Star Wars The High Republic #5 (Cover B Bengal), AR
Star Wars The High Republic #5 (Cover C Todd Nauck), AR
Star Wars The High Republic #5 (Cover D Mateus Manhanini Black History Month Variant), AR
Storm And The Brotherhood Of Mutants #1 (Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $3.99
Storm And The Brotherhood Of Mutants #1 (Cover B Arthur Adams), AR
Storm And The Brotherhood Of Mutants #1 (Cover C Ernanda Souza), AR
Storm And The Brotherhood Of Mutants #1 (Cover D Elena Casagrande Women Of Marvel Variant), AR
Storm And The Brotherhood Of Mutants #1 (Cover E Phil Noto SOS February Connecting Variant), AR
Storm And The Brotherhood Of Mutants #1 (Cover F Lucas Werneck Stormbreakers Variant), AR
Stormbreakers 2023 Sketchbook, AR
X-Men Legends #6 (Cover A Giuseppe Camuncoli), $3.99
X-Men The Animated Series The Adaptations Omnibus HC (Kerry Gammill Direct Market Cover), $125.00
X-Men The Animated Series The Adaptations Omnibus HC (Steve Lightle Book Market Cover), $125.00