This list is based on the shipping dates from the distributors order forms. Not all comic book shops order all items. If you have questions about a specific comic, talk to your comic shop owner. PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will arrive in all stores. Items with release dates are not verified by the distributors and are individually noted. Some of the comics titles listed may have arrived in stores already through Diamond Distributors, Penguin-Random House, Lunar Distribution and UCS Comic Distributors.
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TITLE, ISSUE NUMBER, PRICE IN U.S. DOLLARS (“AR” means “ask your retailer for the price”)
Batman And The Joker The Deadly Duo #4 (Of 7)(2nd Printing Cover A Marc Silvestri), $4.99
Batman One Bad Day Ra’s al Ghul #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Ivan Reis & Danny Miki), $7.99
Batman One Bad Day Ra’s al Ghul #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Jim Lee Scott Williams & Alex Sinclair), $7.99
Batman One Bad Day Ra’s al Ghul #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Bill Sienkiewicz), AR
Batman One Bad Day Ra’s al Ghul #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Bruno Redondo), AR
Batman One Bad Day Ra’s al Ghul #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Brian Bolland), AR
Batman One Bad Day Ra’s al Ghul #1 (One Shot)(Cover F Giuseppe Camuncoli & Arif Prianto Premium Variant), AR
Batman One Bad Day Ra’s al Ghul #1 (One Shot)(Cover G Giuseppe Camuncoli & Arif Prianto Premium Lineup Variant), AR
Batman Superman World’s Finest #13 (Cover A Dan Mora), $3.99
Batman Superman World’s Finest #13 (Cover B Christian Ward Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Batman Superman World’s Finest #13 (Cover C Jesus Merino & Adriano Lucas Shazam Fury Of The Gods Movie Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Batman Superman World’s Finest #13 (Cover D Fico Ossio Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman Superman World’s Finest #13 (Cover E Baldemar Rivas Card Stock Variant), AR
Black Adam #9 (Of 12)(Cover A Irvin Rodriguez), $3.99
Black Adam #9 (Of 12)(Cover B Tiago Da Silva Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Black Adam #9 (Of 12)(Cover C John Giang Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Black Adam #9 (Of 12)(Cover D Ibrahim Moustafa Card Stock Variant), AR
Catwoman #53 (Cover A David Nakayama), $3.99
Catwoman #53 (Cover B Sergio Acuna Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Catwoman #53 (Cover C Sweeney Boo Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Catwoman #53 (Cover D Rian Gonzales Card Stock Variant), AR
Catwoman #53 (Cover E Sweeney Boo Foil Variant), AR
Catwoman #53 (Cover F Qistina Khalidah International Women’s Day Card Stock Variant), AR
DCeased War Of The Undead Gods #7 (Of 8)(Cover A Howard Porter), $3.99
DCeased War Of The Undead Gods #7 (Of 8)(Cover B Ben Oliver Homage Card Stock Variant), $4.99
DCeased War Of The Undead Gods #7 (Of 8)(Cover C Kael Ngu Acetate Card Stock Variant), $4.99
DCeased War Of The Undead Gods #7 (Of 8)(Cover D Francesco Mattina Card Stock Variant), AR
DCeased War Of The Undead Gods #7 (Of 8)(Cover E Sun Khamunaki Card Stock Variant), AR
DC’s Legion Of Bloom #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Juan Gedeon), $9.99
DC’s Legion Of Bloom #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Derrick Chew), $9.99
DC’s Legion Of Bloom #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Mike Perkins), $9.99
DC’s Legion Of Bloom #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Vasco Georgiev), AR
Flash #795 (Cover A Taurin Clarke)(One-Minute War), $3.99
Flash #795 (Cover B David Nakayama Card Stock Variant)(One-Minute War), $4.99
Flash #795 (Cover C Marco Dalfonso Card Stock Variant)(One-Minute War), $4.99
Flash #795 (Cover D Eleonora Carlini Card Stock Variant)(One-Minute War), AR
Flash #795 (Cover E Taurin Clarke Foil Variant)(One-Minute War), AR
G.C.P.D. The Blue Wall #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Reiko Murakami), $3.99
G.C.P.D. The Blue Wall #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Francesco Francavilla Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Harley Quinn The Animated Series Legion Of Bats #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Yoshi Yoshitani), $3.99
Harley Quinn The Animated Series Legion Of Bats #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Dan Hipp Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Harley Quinn The Animated Series Legion Of Bats #6 (Of 6)(Cover C Dominike Domo Stanton Card Stock Variant), AR
Harley Quinn Volume 3 Verdict HC (2021), $24.99
Lazarus Planet Next Evolution #1 (One Shot)(2nd Printing Cover A David Marquez), $4.99
Milestone 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Denys Cowan), $9.99
Milestone 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Nikolas Draper-Ivey), $9.99
Milestone 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Christopher Jones), $9.99
Milestone 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Scott Jeralds), $9.99
Milestone 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Bill Sienkiewicz), AR
Milestone 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover F Nikolas Draper-Ivey Foil Variant), AR
Multiversity Teen Justice TP, $16.99
Nightwing #102 (Cover A Bruno Redondo), $4.99
Nightwing #102 (Cover B Travis Moore Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Nightwing #102 (Cover C Jamal Campbell Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Nightwing #102 (Cover D Vasco Georgiev Card Stock Variant), AR
Power Girl Power Trip TP, $39.99
Robin Volume 3 Secrets And Shadows TP, $19.99
Superman #2 (Cover A Jamal Campbell), $4.99
Superman #2 (Cover B Tony S Daniel Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Superman #2 (Cover C Gabriel Rodriguez Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Superman #2 (Cover D Jonboy Meyers Card Stock Variant, $5.99
Superman #2 (Cover E Nathan Szerdy Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Superman #2 (Cover F Juanjo Lopez Card Stock Variant), AR
Superman #2 (Cover G Rahzzah Card Stock Variant), AR
Superman #2 (Cover H Jamal Campbell Foil Variant), AR
Superman #2 (Cover I Jamal Campbell Design Card Stock Variant), AR
Swamp Thing Green Hell #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Doug Mahnke), $6.99
Swamp Thing Green Hell #3 (Of 3)(Cover B Christian Ward), $6.99
Swamp Thing Green Hell #3 (Of 3)(Cover C Travel Foreman), AR
Wonder Woman #797 (Cover A Yanick Paquette)(Revenge Of The Gods), $4.99
Wonder Woman #797 (Cover B Babs Tarr Card Stock Variant)(Revenge Of The Gods), $5.99
Wonder Woman #797 (Cover C Joelle Jones Card Stock Variant)(Revenge Of The Gods), $5.99
Wonder Woman #797 (Cover D Pop Mhan Shazam Fury Of The Gods Movie Card Stock Variant)(Revenge Of The Gods), $5.99
Wonder Woman #797 (Cover E Zu Orzu Card Stock Variant)(Revenge Of The Gods), AR
Wonder Woman #797 (Cover F Yanick Paquette Foil Variant)(Revenge Of The Gods), AR
Wonder Woman #797 (Cover G Jasmin Darnell International Women’s Day Card Stock Variant)(Revenge Of The Gods), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #22 (Cover A John Romita Jr.), $3.99
Amazing Spider-Man #22 (Cover B Chris Bachalo), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #22 (Cover C Stefano Caselli Marvel Icon Variant), AR
Avengers #9 (Facsimile Edition), $3.99
Avengers Rage Of Ultron Marvel Tales #1 (Cover A Nick Bradshaw), $7.99
Avengers Rage Of Ultron Marvel Tales #1 (Cover B Nick Bradshaw Virgin Variant), AR
Carnage #11 (Cover A Kendrick Kunkka Lim), $3.99
Carnage #11 (Cover B Marco Mastrazzo), AR
Carnage #11 (Cover C Sergio Davila Planet Of The Apes Variant), AR
Doctor Strange #1 (Cover A Alex Ross), $4.99
Doctor Strange #1 (Cover B Stefano Caselli Marvel Icon Variant), AR
Doctor Strange #1 (Cover C Marco Checchetto), AR
Doctor Strange #1 (Cover D Martin Coccolo Stormbreaker Variant), AR
Doctor Strange #1 (Cover E Steve Skroce Infinity Saga Phase 3 Variant), AR
Doctor Strange #1 (Cover F Alex Ross Timeless Dormammu Virgin Variant), AR
Doctor Strange #1 (Cover G Alex Ross Timeless Dormammu Virgin Sketch Variant), AR
Doctor Strange Epic Collection Volume 8 Triumph And Torment TP, $44.99
Fantastic Four Epic Collection Volume 19 The Dream Is Dead TP, $44.99
Guardians Of The Galaxy By Donny Cates TP, $39.99
Joe Fixit #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Cully Hamner), $3.99
Joe Fixit #3 (Of 5)(Cover B E.M Gist), AR
Marauders #12 (Cover A Kim Jacinto), $3.99
Marauders #12 (Cover B Kim Jacinto), AR
Marvel Masterworks Dazzler Volume 4 HC (Book Market Edition), $75.00
Marvel Masterworks Dazzler Volume 4 HC (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 339), $75.00
Monica Rambeau Photon #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Lucas Werneck), $3.99
Monica Rambeau Photon #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Davi Go), AR
Moon Knight Volume 3 Halfway To Sanity TP, $24.99
New Mutants Volume 4 TP, $19.99
Punisher #10 (Cover A Jesus Saiz), $4.99
Punisher #10 (Cover B Kyle Hotz), AR
Red Goblin #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Jan Bazaldua), $4.99
Red Goblin #1 (2nd Printing Cover B Alexander Lozano), AR
Savage Avengers By Gerry Duggan Omnibus HC (David Finch Book Market Cover), $100.00
Savage Avengers By Gerry Duggan Omnibus HC (Mike Deodato Jr. Direct Market Cover), $100.00
She-Hulk #11 (Cover A Jen Bartel), $3.99
She-Hulk #11 (Cover B Rickie Yagawa), AR
Spider-Man The Lost Hunt #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Ryan Brown), $3.99
Spider-Punk Banned In D.C. TP (Battle Of The Banned?), $15.99
Star Wars Darth Vader #32 (Cover A Rahzzah), $3.99
Star Wars Darth Vader #32 (Cover B Chris Sprouse Return Of The Jedi 40th Anniversary Variant), AR
Star Wars Darth Vader #32 (Cover C Pepe Larraz), AR
Star Wars Darth Vader #32 (Cover D Peach Momoko Women’s History Variant), AR
Storm And The Brotherhood Of Mutants #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $3.99
Storm And The Brotherhood Of Mutants #2 (Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $3.99
Storm And The Brotherhood Of Mutants #2 (Cover B Ramon Villalobos), AR
Storm And The Brotherhood Of Mutants #2 (Cover C TBD Sins Of Sinister March Connecting Variant), AR
Storm And The Brotherhood Of Mutants #2 (Cover D Rickie Yagawa Women’s History Month Variant), AR
Storm And The Brotherhood Of Mutants #2 (Cover E Jonah Lobe Marvel Anatomy Variant), AR
Tiger Division #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Creees Lee), $3.99
Tiger Division #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Ron Lim Trading Card Variant), AR
Tiger Division #5 (Of 5)(Cover C Betsy Cola), AR
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Omnibus HC (Arthur Adams Direct Market Cover), $150.00
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Omnibus HC (Erica Henderson Book Market Cover), $150.00
Wasp #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Tom Reilly), $3.99
Wasp #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Romina Jones), AR
Wolverine By Benjamin Percy Volume 2 HC, $44.99
Women Of Marvel #1 (Cover A Erica D’urso), $5.99
Women Of Marvel #1 (Cover B Romina Jones), AR
Women Of Marvel #1 (Cover C Marguerite Sauvage), AR
Women Of Marvel #1 (Cover D Corin Howell), AR
Women Of Marvel #1 (Cover E Stefano Caselli Marvel Icon Variant), AR
X-Treme X-Men #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Salvador Larroca), $3.99
X-Treme X-Men #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Dan Panosian Homage Variant), AR
X-Treme X-Men #4 (Of 5)(Cover C Salvador Larroca Classic Design Variant), AR