If you’re looking to add some fun to your online meetings, have we got a treat for you.
Bioware has created 4 sets of video backgrounds from their most popular current video games:
Mass Effect
Star Wars The Old Republic (SWTOR)
Dragon Age
Here’s a playlist of all 27 loopable video backgrounds so you can preview them to decide if they’re for you.
Now Anthem may not be that popular right now, but the video backgrounds are awesome. And whether you like the game or not, as a sci-fi fan, you’ll get a kick out of them.
You can use these backgrounds for your Zoom meetings, livestreams and with any green screen as long as it’s for personal use.
The backgrounds can be downloaded at Bioware’s Digital Media Page.
Unfortunately, at this writing, they’ve removed the Dragon Age videos from the page. Not sure why since Dragon Age Day was December 4th.
Never fear however, we downloaded them when they first came out and our fans can grab those too here. Use the password SFBFans2020 to access and click the little download arrows on the Dragon Age videos.
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