Tag Archives: C#

As the Kernel Turns: Rust in Linux saga reaches the “Linus in all-caps” phase

“Put another way: the ‘nobody is forced to deal with Rust’ does not imply ‘everybody is allowed to veto any Rust code.’” Maintainers might also find space in the middle, being aware of Rust bindings and working with Rust developers, but not actively involved, Torvalds writes. “Why wouldn’t we do this?” In an earlier response… Read More »

Unix legend, who owes us nothing, keeps fixing foundational AWK code

Enlarge / Brian Kernighan speaking at a tribute to his Bell Labs coworker and The C Programming Language co-author Dennis Ritchie in 2012. Ritchie’s visage in dominoes is behind Kernighan. reader comments 57 with 39 posters participating Share this story A Princeton professor, finding a little time for himself in the summer academic lull, emailed… Read More »