Tag Archives: dhcpd

Banish OEM self-signed certs forever and roll your own private LetsEncrypt

Aurich Lawson | Getty Images reader comments 45 Previously, on “Weekend Projects for Homelab Admins With Control Issues,” we created our own dynamically updating DNS and DHCP setup with bind and dhcpd. We laughed. We cried. We hurled. Bonds were forged, never to be broken. And I hope we all took a little something special… Read More »

Doing DNS and DHCP for your LAN the old way—the way that works

Enlarge / All shall tremble before your fully functional forward and reverse lookups! Aurich Lawson | Getty Images reader comments 22 Here’s a short summary of the next 7,000-ish words for folks who hate the thing recipe sites do where the authors babble about their personal lives for pages and pages before getting to the… Read More »