AC Valhalla: How to Find and Unlock Excalibur

By | December 6, 2020

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As the legends go, the mighty sword rests in stone, but you’ll need more than destiny to pull it out even if you find its hiding place. In order to claim this greatsword for your own, you will need to hunt down 11 mysterious tablets, many of which can only be found in hidden caverns known as the Treasures of Britain – while other tablets are carried by some of the fiercest zealots in the Order of the Ancients.

Below you will find information and links to hunting down each tablet, as well as where to find the sword in the stone itself. Despite being an endgame weapon, it is possible to acquire the sword at a power level around 220 as most Treasures of Britain are not guarded by enemies, but it is recommended you be closer to 300 if you run into problems dealing with the three powerful Zealots that each guard a tablet.

See the locations of each tablet and Excalibur’s resting place in the map above.

Click any of the tablet locations on the table below to be go to their full guide. Each guide also links to our interactive map to help you find the exact location of the treasure’s entrance!

Tablet Name Region Tablet Location
Mysterious Hilt Tablet East Anglia Grime’s Grave
Mysterious Chessboard Tablet Cent Cavern of Trials
Mysterious Halter Tablet Zealot Woden (Wandering)
Mysterious Horn Tablet Essexe Old Cellar
Mysterious Chariot Tablet Zealot Heike (Wandering)
Mysterious Cauldron Tablet Suthexe Santlache Mine
Mysterious Knife Tablet Zealot Hrothgar (Wandering)
Mysterious Whetstone Tablet Snotinghamscire Deoraby Spar Cavern
Mysterious Crock and Dish Tablet Eurvicscire Wiccan’s Cave
Mysterious Mantle Tablet Hamtunscire Red Lichen Cavern
Mysterious Coat Tablet Wocig

East Anglia’s only tablet can be found at one of the Treasures of Britain spots – at a locale called Grime’s Grave. You can find it on the northwest side of East Anglia along the border of Grantebridgescire, just above the Deod River. It is the only Treasure of Britain where the tablet is actually hiding under lots of pots and objects at the end of the cave.

See the full walkthrough for Grime’s Grave here.


The first of two tablets that can be found in Cent, at the site of one of the Treasures of Britain. It can be undertaken at the Cavern of Trials on the far east section of the region not far from the road to the cliff point where a high point is.

See the full walkthrough for the Cavern of Trials here.

The second of two tablets that can be found in Cent, it is carried by a member of the Order of the Ancients. The Zealot called Woden carries with tablet, and his power level of 220 makes him the weakest of the three – but no less dangerous. He often patrols the main roads on the western side of the region, and up along the river the borders on the north. We recommend securing all high points in the region as they can display his location even before you make contact with him.

Woden carries a single greatsword, which means while he can deal some devastating hits with a single swing, he’s vulnerable to counter attacks since he can’t block as well as other Zealots. Using the Brush with Death skill in particular to capitalize on dodging his attacks and punishing him, or slowing time with your bow to hit his weak points and pepper him with arrows can make short work of him.

The first of two tablets that can be found in Essexe, at the site of one of the Treasures of Britain. This location is known as the Old Cellar, and can be found just outside the city of Colcestre on the east side of the region, just southeast of the city walls below a large pool of water.

See the full walkthrough for the Old Cellar here.

The second of two tablets that can be found in Essexe, it is carried by a member of the Order of the Ancients. The Zealot called Heike carries this tablet, and his power level is 250 making him a tough foe to cross. He often patrols the roads around the west and middle parts of the region on horseback. We recommend securing all high points in the region as they can display his location even before you make contact with him.

Heikie carries a greatsword and shield into combat, and will employ numerous combo attacks in a row, or disorient you with flashbangs at a distance before throwing javelins. You’ll need to face him cautiously, and try to lure him away from the roads where other soldiers may help him. Focus on trying to parry his combo attacks in a row to greatly reduce his stun meter.

The first of two tablets that can be found in Suthexe, at the site of one of the Treasures of Britain. It can be located inside the Santlache Mine near a large pool of water on the eastern border between Suthexe and Cent – east of the town of Crawleh.

See the full walkthrough for the Santlache Mine here.

The second of two tablets that can be found in Suthexe, it is carried by a member of the Order of the Ancients. The Zealot called Hrothgar carries this tablet, and his power level is 280 making him the toughest of the three Zealots you’ll face. He is known to patrol the southern part of the region of Suthexe (not on horseback), in the same part of the region as the other tablet.

Hrothgar only carries a Dane Axe, but with it he’s capable of unleashing some incredibly powerful attacks, many of which can’t be blocked. Due to his lack of defense, and the fact that he can ignite his weapon on fire, you’ll likely want to focus on dodging attacks outright rather than blocking and risking for a parry. Use the Brush With Death skill to slow down time after his strikes and counter with your own, but don’t expend all your stamina or you won’t be able to dodge when it counts.

The only tablet that can be found in Snotinghamscire, at the site of one of the Treasures of Britain. It can be located inside the Deoraby Spar Cavern on the far northern border of Snotinghamscire and Eurvicscire, north and a bit east of the town of Hemthorpe.

See the full walkthrough for the Deoraby Spar Cavern here.

The only tablet that can be found in Eurvicscire, at the site of one of the Treasures of Britain. It can be located inside the Wiccan’s Cave not far from the previous Treasure of Britain, east of the border to Snotinghamscire, above a large lake on the other side of the Elmet Monastery.

See the full walkthrough for the Wiccan’s Cave here.

The first of two tablets that can be found in Hamtunscire, at the site of one of the Treasures of Britain. It can be located inside the Red Lichen Cave just outside the east entrance to the city and region of Wincestre on its northeast side.

See the full walkthrough for the Red Lichen Cave here.

The second of two tablets that can be found in Hamtunscire, at the site of one of the Treasures of Britain. It can be located inside a place named Wocig, over on the western side of the region just to the east of the Alfon River, located not far north of the town of Chepelham, right below a High Point.

See the full walkthrough for Wocig here.

Once you have found all 11 tablets, it’s time to put them in their rightful place where Excalibur sleeps below the earth.

Travel to northern central Hamtunscire where you will find the great ruin called Stonehenge. Not far to the northwest of this location, you’ll enter a large forest, and deep within you can find a large cave entrance near a pool of water.

The cave entrance is usually teeming with bears, and as the region level is 340, there is a very real chance the bears and tear you to ribbons before you locate the cave’s mighty entrance.

Once inside the cave, take the forward path and traverse and parkour your way forward, ignoring a small path to the left for the moment.

Follow the white outlines ledges and walls as you move forward through the long cave, until you come to a giant pit.

Dive down into the pit, and continue exploring underwater as you keep moving forward through a strange open doorway. After you clear the water, keep moving up and traversing until you come to an impossibly large cave sporting some distinct First Civilization architecture.

It is here you will find Excalibur’s resting place, by moving forward to find some beams on the right you can cross to reach the center of this large hall. Near an abandoned campsite, a strange greatsword rests in a pedestal surrounded by 12 pillars ,one of which is already lit up with a tablet inside.

Excalibur can be interacted with, but you will be unable to pull it up until you place each of the 11 tablets you found around England into the pillars to light them all up.

Once all pillars are lit, interact with the sword once more to obtain the legendary blade, which has the ability to blind opponents, and will easily defeat most opponents with a few swipes!

When you wish to leave the area, look for the small pit of blue fire past the chamber to teleport back near the entrance to the cave.
