Marvel’s Avengers: How to Transfer PS4 Save Data to PS5

By | March 20, 2021

Last Edited:

While the Xbox version of Marvel’s Avengers features an automated Smart Delivery system to transfer save files from Xbox One to the Series X, the PlayStation 4 to PlayStation 5 save file transfer process is a bit more complicated.

  1. Be sure to fully update your PS4 version of Marvel’s Avengers to the latest patch.
  2. Launch the PS4 version of the game, and go to the Save Migration tab on the main menu screen, this will initiate the upload of your save files.
  3. After migrating the save files, launch the PS5 version of the game, and you will be prompted to download the save data back to the PS5 version of the game.

Please note that even if your PS5 console has both the PS4 and PS5 versions of the game installed, you will need to use the save migration feature to make the save files compatible with the new version of the game. If you do not see the save file migration tab in the main menu, be sure to update the game to its latest version.
