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This portion of the PlayStation 5 guide provides useful tips and tricks you may not have known about your console. Here’s how to take advantage of these PS5 Hidden Settings and Features.
- Don’t use the built in mic to chat with friends: if you’re using the mic on your controller the vibration intensity and adaptive triggers are automatically less pronounced (set to weak). Since this is one of the biggest features of the DualSense it may be worth using a different mic so you can get the full experience of the DualSense.
- Hold the PlayStation button to automatically go Home. Pressing the PlayStation button pulls up the Control Center as an overlay on the bottom of your screen, but holding it down will take you to directly home.
- Hold the Create button to quickly take a screenshot or execute another capture shortcut. You can change what the create button does in the settings, including shortcuts for taking screenshots and videos, and how long the recent gameplay clips last (which goes up to a full hour!)
- Automatically set game difficulty, graphics mode, and camera movement for your games. If you’re tired of having to set the same difficulty, graphical modes, and camera movement in every game – use the Game Presets option in the Saved Data and Game/App Settings to automatically set every game up with your preferred options every time.
- View Your Playtime Stats. Select your avatar icon on the home screen > profile > games to view your hours played, percentage completed, and more. You can even tab over to see your friends’ stats (depending on their privacy settings that is).
- Put Your Controller on an Idle Timer to Save Battery. By default your controller is set to never turn off, even when idle. Change it to 10 minutes, 30 minutes, or 60 minutes.
- Adjust notifications (such as wishlist updates). By default notifications such as wishlist updates are off during games, videos, and broadcasts. Adjust this, and other notifications, to match your preferences.
- Stay Away from Spoilers. Check out the saved data and app section of your settings and adjust spoiler warnings to stop yourself from seeing anything you haven’t seen yet in a came – in case your PSN friends can’t help but send you an incredible spoiler filled screenshot. Likewise, if you’re trying to live in spoiler city you can toggle these warnings off.