The Undertaker is one of the most popular characters in WWE history. Fans weren’t sure what to make of his 1800s funeral director shtick when he first debuted. Taker’s personality and commitment to the character earned him an exceptionally long run in which his popularity was never in doubt. That legendry character will turn the Deadman into a Hall of Famer.
WrestleMania is in Dallas this year, and in addition to bringing back “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, they are also inducting Taker, a Texas native, into the WWE Hall of Fame. Kane took to Twitter to congratulate The Undertaker stating that non one deserves it more. The Undertaker is undeniably iconic and transcends WWE.
Congratulations to @undertaker on his induction into the #wwehof! No one, and I mean NO ONE, deserves it more. The Undertaker is truly iconic and transcends @WWE. The man behind the character is just as impressive! I am absolutely thrilled! CONGRATULATIONS!!
The Brothers of Destruction were the iconic WWE tag team made up of The Undertaker and Kane, who were storyline half-brothers. Their brotherhood was embellished with an extremely dark and dysfunctional domestic past, with more deep-seated drama and dysfunction than other WWE tag team combinations.
The Undertaker obviously realized how much money he could make battling Kane and then later teaming with him. The name “Brothers Of Destruction” brings an image of The Dead Man and the Big Red Machine demolishing their opponents. It would have never been that way unless The Undertaker wanted it to happen.
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February 18, 2022 2:17 pm