More Interesting Social Media Activity From Karl Anderson & Wife

By | October 31, 2020

Karl Anderson’s wife posted a few stories on Instagram that called her husband out for cheating. She also made a reference to how alcohol was to blame. This was followed by another story on Instagram that showed a text message where he called her a “slut.” This situation seems like it is far from over.

We received a message from one of our eagle-eyed readers who noticed that Karl Anderson does not follow his wife on Instagram any longer. That is a very interesting point to take into consideration.

Karl Anderson’s wife deleted those stories about her husband along with the photo of him sleeping where she wrote “asshole” and “cheater” all over his face. Then she dropped another post on Instagram saying that she made her point.

One follower commented on her latest post saying: “Last thing I want to say: If you decide you want to delete this don’t. At the very least archive it. So you remember this day, 1-2 years from now. You’ll be in a better place and can look back at this and he’ll end up being nothing more than a lesson (if you move forward with separating). For now, do NOT allow strangers to tell you how to react or cope when you were the one that was deceived.” Anderson’s wife liked that comment.

Anderson’s wife then cleared everything up with more Instagram posts when she said:

Cheating doesn’t mean you have to kiss, meet or have sex with someone else… once you find yourself deleting messages so your partner will not see them, then you already are there

Any sign that this is a work or over a video game is well behind us. There is a lot to unpack here, but the overall consensus is that there is something going on in this situation. Karl Anderson’s wife made it public, and now everyone knows that there is a troubling situation brewing.
