Sarah Logan Reveals Vince McMahon’s Reaction To Her Not Wearing ‘WWE Makeup’

By | August 17, 2021

Sarah Logan was one of many wrestlers released by WWE in April of 2020. Logan recalls her final meeting with Vince McMahon very positively, and McMahon even approving of Logan’s desire to not wear “WWE Makeup.”

Logan made an appearance on Renee Paquette’s Oral Sessions podcast where the former Riott Squad member revealed that she was uncomfortable with wearing the traditional makeup WWE asked all of their superstars to wear while on camera. Vince McMahon apparently had no problem with it, but she doesn’t know what else was said about her choice.

“Actually, he (Vince McMahon) was very cool about it to me. I don’t know what was said elsewhere. This kind of makeup is fine with me, just my eyes or something, but the WWE makeup, I would watch my matches back and I was like, ‘That doesn’t look like me’, and that bothered me. I don’t know if I should have gotten over it or whatever, but it bothered me personally. I was talking about it and someone was like, ‘Go tell him.’ I was like, ‘Vince, I don’t like wearing makeup. It makes my eyes hurt. I don’t think I need it. I don’t want to wear it.’ He said, ‘I think your face is pretty expressive enough not to wear makeup.’ I said, ‘I do too.’ He said, ‘Alright.’ I was like, ‘Ok, thank you’, and I left. I stopped wearing it and I felt better about myself. Being feminine has always been super hard for me. I grew up with four brothers, and it just never was a thing. I never knew what my feminine side was. I only knew what my tomboy, dude side was.”

While it is unclear how McMahon may have reacted to the requests of other WWE talent, Logan expressed that McMahon was open to the suggestions of the wrestlers. McMahon made an exception to a standard WWE policy for Sarah Logan in this case.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

h/t to for the quotes
