The Undertaker is slated to be inducted into the 2022 Hall of Fame Class. However, Undertaker recalls moments (good & bad) that’s captivated his career. Many of these moments occurred behind the scenes. Post-retirement, Undertaker tends to tell many intimate stories that fans would never expect.
The Undertaker spoke with Dallas Morning News regarding Vince McMahon inducting him into The Hall Of Fame. Taker does admit he’s not aware of McMahon’s plans for him. Nevertheless, he admits that McMahon is enjoys playing jokes on him regularly.
“I have absolutely no clue what he’s going to say,” he claimed. “I’m a little bit nervous, there’s no one that Vince loves to play practical jokes on more than me. The fact that the Hall Of Fame is on April Fool’s Day, who knows what’s going to happen. I do know it’s going to be emotional, I am not sure to what lengths he will go to not to completely fall apart and be emotional.”
The Undertaker revealed a hilarious story from the past where he got stuck in one of his coats. This probably transpired live on Monday Night Raw. Furthermore, Taker wore the coat frequently back then, but that time things were botched.
“I had this coat made for WrestleMania, it was unbelievable, it was one of the hooded ones. I didn’t wear a hat so I wore the hooded one. The thing has got these huge spines on it, it was one of the really cool coats that I had. At WrestleMania, I wore it, the thing, it came off perfectly, it just slipped right down off my back. It was flawless, thank goodness.
“A couple of months later they were about to have the 700th episode of Raw. They called me and said, ‘Hey, would you come do the 700th episode of Raw, it’ll be you and Kane going against two guys, need you to go out there, pretty much crush them, do a little Brothers Of Destruction, and that’s it.’ I was like, ‘sure, absolutely.’ So, I said, ‘I’m going to wear that coat again,’ I hadn’t worn it since.
“Our opponents made their entrance, Kane makes his entrance, I make my entrance. As I go to take my coat off, the coat folds. It basically gets stuck on my mitts, my MMA mitts. The more I tug to try get out of them, the tighter it gets. Because the leather on this coat was really thick. I can’t get out of this coat, right? It’s Monday Night Raw, it’s live TV.”
The Undertaker is a household name who continues to amuse fans in the ring and out. This moment displays the side of Taker fans rarely see. That being said, Mr. McMahon could have a rib in store for Taker. We will have coverage of the WWE Hall of Fame right here at Ringside News.
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H/T Wrestling Inc