WWE usually opens every show with a warning that video taping is prohibited. Some security guards will enforce that, but others let it slide. WWE seems to be stepping up their game tonight for SmackDown.
Tampa’s Amalie Arena sent out a blast on Twitter to let fans know that no photos or videos will be allowed during the event. If those rules are broken then they will be ejected in prompt fashion.
This tweet also encouraged fans to wear a mask, but it seems like the intention concerned fan photos and videos.
TONIGHT – @WWE #SmackDown is in the building! There will be a strict NO photo/video recording policy tonight. Failure to comply will result in ejection. Wearing a mask is highly encouraged.
We’ll have to see if any fan videos or photos get out on social media from tonight’s event. The show will air live on Fox, so there’s no real need to record anything, but you also never know what fans can capture that WWE doesn’t want them to see.
What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!