WWE NXT Segmenting Fans In Pods For Capitol Wrestling Center Crowd

By | October 4, 2020

WWE renovated the Performance Center and now it is the Capitol Wrestling Center. The facelift that the building received was pretty nice and you can check out a video here.

Triple H confirmed that they are bringing in fans for the event. Friends and family will be in attendance as well. According to Wrestling Inc, bringing back live fans was a main reason for this renovation.

Fans in attendance must pass a COVID-19 test. Masks must be worn at all times, and they must also pass a screening survey. Fans will be standing in pods during the show similar to what WWE used to put around Michael Cole on commentary during that 2011 angle when he was feuding with Jerry Lawler.

It was said that if there are no positive COVID-19 tests then they will increase capacity. The goal is to get fans in seats and hopefully at full capacity by 2021.

Each group that arrives will be taken separately from everyone else to their pod prior to the start of the show. The same procedure will be used when exiting afterwards. Fans will not intermingle with any NXT talent.

It is being looked at as a “refresh” for the brand. They are having fans return and updated the set with big LED boards.

WWE won’t admit that they did this to hopefully get a leg-up on AEW, but they are consistently losing in the coveted 18-49 demographic. The hope is that bringing back live fans and freshening up the set will “give NXT a rejuvenation to what it once had before the pandemic.”
