Tag Archives: firmware

Undocumented backdoor that covertly takes snapshots found in kids’ smartwatch

reader comments 73 with 51 posters participating Share this story A popular smartwatch designed exclusively for children contains an undocumented backdoor that makes it possible for someone to remotely capture camera snapshots, wiretap voice calls, and track locations in real time, a researcher said. The X4 smartwatch is marketed by Xplora, a Norway-based seller of… Read More »

When coffee makers are demanding a ransom, you know IoT is screwed

reader comments 357 with 209 posters participating, including story author Share this story With the name Smarter, you might expect a network-connected kitchen appliance maker to be, well, smarter than companies selling conventional appliances. But in the case of the Smarter’s Internet-of-things coffee maker, you’d be wrong. Security problems with Smarter products first came to… Read More »