Tag Archives: malware

Android apps laced with North Korean spyware found in Google Play

Researchers have discovered multiple Android apps, some that were available in Google Play after passing the company’s security vetting, that surreptitiously uploaded sensitive user information to spies working for the North Korean government. Samples of the malware—named KoSpy by Lookout, the security firm that discovered it—masquerade as utility apps for managing files, app or OS… Read More »

Nearly 1 million Windows devices targeted in advanced “malvertising” spree

A broad overview of the four stages. Credit: Microsoft The campaign targeted “nearly” 1 million devices belonging both to individuals and a wide range of organizations and industries. The indiscriminate approach indicates the campaign was opportunistic, meaning it attempted to ensnare anyone, rather than targeting certain individuals, organizations, or industries. GitHub was the platform primarily… Read More »

Microsoft warns that the powerful XCSSET macOS malware is back with new tricks

“These enhanced features add to this malware family’s previously known capabilities, like targeting digital wallets, collecting data from the Notes app, and exfiltrating system information and files,” Microsoft wrote. XCSSET contains multiple modules for collecting and exfiltrating sensitive data from infected devices. Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac now detects the new XCSSET variant, and… Read More »

Android Trojan that intercepts voice calls to banks just got more stealthy

Much of the new obfuscation is the result of hiding malicious code in a dynamically decrypted and loaded .dex file of the apps. As a result, Zimperium initially believed the malicious apps they were analyzing were part of a previously unknown malware family. Then the researchers dumped the .dex file from an infected device’s memory… Read More »

Kremlin-backed hackers have new Windows and Android malware to foist on Ukrainian foes

Google researchers said they uncovered a Kremlin-backed operation targeting recruits for the Ukrainian military with information-stealing malware for Windows and Android devices. The malware, spread primarily through posts on Telegram, came from a persona on that platform known as “Civil Defense.” Posts on the ​​@civildefense_com_ua telegram channel and the accompanying civildefense[.]com.ua website claimed to provide… Read More »

North Korean hackers use newly discovered Linux malware to raid ATMs

Credit: haxrob Credit: haxrob The malware resides in the userspace portion of the interbank switch connecting the issuing domain and the acquiring domain. When a compromised card is used to make a fraudulent translation, FASTCash tampers with the messages the switch receives from issuers before relaying it back to the merchant bank. As a result,… Read More »

Two never-before-seen tools, from same group, infect air-gapped devices

The evolution of the kit from 2019 and the one from three years later underscores a growing sophistication by GoldenJackal developers. The first generation provided a full suite of capabilities, including: GoldenDealer, a component that delivers malicious executables to air-gapped systems over USB drives GoldenHowl, a backdoor that contains various modules for a mix of… Read More »

Thousands of Linux systems infected by stealthy malware since 2021

This Reddit comment posted to the CentOS subreddit is typical. An admin noticed that two servers were infected with a cryptocurrency hijacker with the names perfcc and perfctl. The admin wanted help investigating the cause. “I only became aware of the malware because my monitoring setup alerted me to 100% CPU utilization,” the admin wrote… Read More »

11 million devices infected with botnet malware hosted in Google Play

reader comments 13 Five years ago, researchers made a grim discovery—a legitimate Android app in the Google Play market that was surreptitiously made malicious by a library the developers used to earn advertising revenue. With that, the app was infected with code that caused 100 million infected devices to connect to attacker-controlled servers and download… Read More »