Tag Archives: supply chain attack

Backdoored developer tool that stole credentials escaped notice for 3 months

Getty Images reader comments 43 with 28 posters participating Share this story A publicly available software development tool contained malicious code that stole the authentication credentials that apps need to access sensitive resources. It’s the latest revelation of a supply chain attack that has the potential to backdoor the networks of countless organizations. The Codecov… Read More »

Mimecast says SolarWinds hackers breached its network and spied on customers

Enlarge / Breaking in the computer. reader comments 10 with 9 posters participating Share this story Email-management provider Mimecast has confirmed that a network intrusion used to spy on its customers was conducted by the same advanced hackers responsible for the SolarWinds supply chain attack. The hackers, which US intelligence agencies have said likely have… Read More »

Microsoft says SolarWinds hackers stole source code for 3 products

reader comments 22 with 19 posters participating Share this story The hackers behind one of the worst breaches in US history read and downloaded some Microsoft source code, but there’s no evidence they were able to access production servers or customer data, Microsoft said on Thursday. The software maker also said it found no evidence… Read More »

New supply chain attack uses poisoned updates to infect gamers’ computers

Enlarge / Circuit board with speed motion and light. reader comments 2 with 2 posters participating Share this story Researchers have uncovered a software supply chain attack that is being used to install surveillance malware on the computers of online gamers. The unknown attackers are targeting select users of NoxPlayer, a software package that emulates… Read More »

Bucking Trump, NSA and FBI say Russia was “likely” behind SolarWinds hack

Enlarge / Side view of colorful St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow on Red Square in front of the Kremlin, Russia. reader comments 15 with 12 posters participating Share this story Hackers working for the Russian government were “likely” behind the software supply chain attack that planted a backdoor in the networks of 180,000 private companies… Read More »